Friday, July 31, 2020


This pandemic is revealing a lot. It’s showing the divide between the caring and the inconsiderate; the dedicated and the uncommitted; the arrogant and the humble; the straight shooter and the opportunist; the smart and the foolish; the expert and the novice; the disciplined and the reckless.

Sometimes, you can be too close to a thing to be publicly objective and fair, but those “I told you so’s” repeating in your mind are on full blast. We often cut slack and make excuses for the people we know, but are quick to judge others when they do or say the same thing our friend, acquaintance, or loved one did. We tend to be slower expressing what we think someone deserves when it involves people in our own circles. We want understanding and mercy for our peeps, but no such grace for everyone else. 
There are times, though, when you can’t defend a thing. You know it was totally unnecessary, preventable, and ignorant. It causes enough pain by its sheer stupidity, and it’s best you say nothing at all that resembles a pass or an excuse, unless you’re just looking for backlash, or enjoy being deemed a hypocrite. 

It is a shame to have to preface condolences with, “I know people are going to be cruel, but...” 
When someone you know does something irresponsible, careless, or idiotic that results in their own injury or death, it doesn’t negate how you feel, nor does it lessen your grief, but even you know stupidity, willful ignorance, and lack of wisdom is difficult, if not impossible to defend. When what they do or say threatens the well-being of others, as well, it’s even harder to find a kind or sympathetic word to say.

Daily, we see people having to eat their own words, and try to squirm out from under the bed of skepticism they’ve made. 
We’ve all been warned, updated, educated, informed, pleaded with, and inundated with information concerning the coronavirus. We have no excuse for continuing to be reckless. The whataboutism is futile. The conspiracy theories are played out. We ought to recognize impure motives when we see them. The coronavirus has proven that it doesn’t give a single damn about religion or politics. There’s no logic in thinking that we are somehow immune when we deliberately choose to disregard the guidelines we’ve all heard— be they strict or recommended. 
Who we follow, and where we get our information, matters. This is not the time to check your brain at the door, or succumb to groupthink or anxiety that causes you to make irresponsible plans.

There are those, however, who are determined to take their chances— even use God to justify their decisions and activities. They don’t intend to do what’s wise or prudent, and are looking for company. 
Frankly, I don’t want to know anyone’s rationale or strategy for dealing with, following, or supporting evil or stupidity. I’m not interested. There are no rewards. They will court you, trick you, use you to prop themselves up, and watch you fail, fall, or die, then go find another nice, well-meaning sucker who thinks the pandemic is a joke

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