Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I appreciated the town hall. It is important to have leaders— whatever the arena—that you can respect. He isn’t perfect, but he’s a good man; a thoughtful, well-intentioned, hopeful, smart, fair, humble, compassionate man. At no point during his presidency was I ever afraid, shocked, bewildered, worried, embarrassed, ashamed, confused, or troubled for myself, my loved ones, friends and neighbors. I never sensed pure evil, incompetence, or heartlessness. 
Don’t worry. I’m good. I’m grateful. I know God’s got this. It’s wild to watch sometimes, and I’m making myself unplug more often, but I haven’t lost hope. I admit it’s just so hard to understand how anyone can applaud, co-sign, celebrate, or be indifferent to the state we’re ALL in. How can anyone think things have been better, safer, or defend the sickness, disorganization, lawlessness, and dishonesty that bombards us every day— that so many are apparently too afraid, complicit, or deluded to stop. The deep seated hatred that blinds people into rejecting, demonizing, or destroying good people, and supporting anyone or anything that cares so little for them, is mind boggling. Things could be fixed in an instant if only some had the will. 
I pray for the young people who have taken to the streets. They’re not afraid. They’ve had enough of the division. They see the hypocrisy. They want a better world. I’m glad there are people who inspire them.

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