Friday, May 29, 2020


There will be a reckoning, Dear Ones 
But you will not have to fight
Be angry, but not distracted
Not even your collective rage will suffice

Preserve your peace
Guard your hearts
Refresh your minds
You see, there is One in whom resides vengeance
He claims it
He owns it
Your tears and terror are justified
But don’t attempt to overrule His might

He sees you

He also sees them
He is giving them room to correct every wrong 
You plead, “How long?”
But don’t worry
Be wise not to adopt their ways
Keep your hands clean
Your indignation, righteous though it may be
Is nothing compared to His
When He moves, just get out of the way

Just wait, Dear Ones, don’t be provoked

Don’t be lured into battle
They want you to respond
They need an excuse to justify their evil
Don’t give them even one
Just wait; be still; 
Watch Him move 
And He WILL move
He has not forgotten you 

You were taught to be good

Remain so
Perhaps you are tired;
Wondering whether all of that goodness has served you
Don’t think you’ve wasted time
Mercy has been flowing 
Grace overflowing
But the trouble won’t continue for long

Just stay inside 
Remain where you are safe
Your waiting will soon end
They will not go unpunished
They have been punishing themselves
Hatred is a cancer
Those who perpetrate evil will get away with nothing

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