Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Please listen to the doctors, pharmacists, researchers, and professionals; consider their education, history, experience, and wisdom; get news from reliable sources, fact check what you hear before you share it, read what’s on, and in between the lines, consider the state of your own affairs, and, if you’re not an essential employee, stay at home, practice social distancing and thorough hand washing.
Don’t be gullible. Don’t let anxiety cause you to relax your common sense. Educate yourself. There’s time. 

Don’t ever think you have to prove your faith to a fool. It’s not a game to you, but it is to someone who has none, or sees you as expendable. Know when you matter, and when you’re being sacrificed. Heed good advice and be wise.

A wise leader, in times like these, is beloved and reassuring. A narcissistic leader is dangerous. 

A narcissist will attempt to pit competent people against each other. All it takes for the scheme to succeed is for one of the people to be needy, insecure, glory happy, envious, or opportunistic. 
A narcissist will call you a “star” today, and a loser tomorrow. A narcissist will pretend there is a team, or family spirit or dynamic, but no one in their circle is indispensable; they will use nicknames to imply familiarity; dole out manipulative praise; create enemies where unity should be. 
Narcissists are phony, and thrive on chaos. They must remain the center of attention. They’ll send mixed messages; say one thing to one person, and something else to another. The accomplishments of others are threatening. They’ll start a fire then want applause for extinguishing it, and criticize people for choking or getting burned. 
It is up to the people who have to work with, or for a narcissist to stay focused, professional, honest and direct; be secure, maintain integrity, refuse to be bought, reject the need for approval, or brownie points, and not be tricked into unnecessary competition, groupthink, sabotage, or backbiting. 

A narcissist knows what triggers you; what makes you tick; what’s important to you; what makes you sit up and listen. Don’t be fooled. They expect and demand loyalty, but are loyal to no one. Let them think they’re in charge. It’s not hard. You continue to do what’s right, wise, and smart. 

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