Saturday, January 4, 2020


Every now and then you have to remind people who your God is. They may have forgotten, but you haven't. 
He is your source; everything belongs to Him, and if people aren't careful, He will make it so that they will have to help you, and they'll have no choice in the matter!

It's the desire of certain imps in your life that you suffer. Further, their continued hope in their failed schemes, makes them think you're suffering. 
Maybe you should invite them to take a good, long look around; reevaluate situations--yours and their own. 
Who's truly suffering? You or them
Who's stressed and stretched? 
Who's reporting every day to jobs they hate? 
Whose thoughtlessness and carelessness has added to their responsibilities? 
Who is trying to keep up with the Joneses? 
Who's got creditors calling? 
Who is painting a facade when, in reality, life and the people in it are dysfunctional? 
Who's sick and popping pills, using controlled substances or downing alcohol as a comfort and not a beverage?

You're fine. You're not suffering at all--in spite of their efforts; in spite of what they tried and continue to try to deny you, or take from you. 
As a matter of fact, if their self-absorption, greed, and exhaustion weren't clouding their judgment, they'd see how the things they meant for evil have resulted in nothing but goodness for others
You have been served, educated, and sustained by the lessons they've taught
You're walking through the valley, and when you emerge, you'll prosper even more.
When will people, who allow evil to use them, realize that the enemy of their souls is loyal to no one
While they're wearing themselves out gossiping about and keeping tabs on you, and infuriated that they couldn't move, harm, or demonize you, you will be getting back everything the enemy has stolen, and they'll lose--in one way or another--everything they attempted to withhold from you--and more

God isn't playing. 
I don't know why anyone thinks they can mess with you and ever get away with it, and not see the manifestation of their nonsense in their own lives.
One day, people will wake up and connect the chaos in their lives with the abominable way they have treated others; they'll realize that sowing and reaping are not merely financial principles, and that jealousy and strife are premature aging, creativity stealing, and sickening agents. 
They'll see the fruit born out of the lies they've told, believed, and spread. 
They'll stop thinking their superficial relationships are real, lasting, supportive, loving ones; they'll stop shooting themselves in the foot and waiting for others to scream "Ouch!"
They'll realize they are digging holes for themselves by relentlessly trying to tear others down.
Perhaps a footstool won't know it is one until you put your foot on it. Maybe then it will stop thinking it's controlling anything concerning you.

Sometimes I wonder whose life people are referencing when they're busy trying to convince you that their circumstances are so much better than yours. 
What makes them think that you envy their madness, sadness, regrets--or their bills? 
What makes people think you're coveting what they don't own outright? 
It's funny hearing people brag about those things with which they have no time to play, for which they have no energy to properly care, and on which they are still making payments....

They must not have noticed that you have eyes and ears. They may be in denial and lacking discernment about their circumstances, unhappiness, insecurity, failures, and debt, but you aren't so impaired--nor do you desire their dysfunction, covet their schedules, long for their responsibilities, or favor their choices.

"Free indeed" needs no explanation. It's the root of much celebration.

It's sad watching people scraping and scratching to show you how much better they're doing than you are. "Grinding", I think it's called now, and many are doing it to the detriment of what should be their priorities. 
All they're doing is paying to play. 
Why are so many willing to do that, only to find themselves no farther along in the game than they were before? What is this need to hitch one's wagon to whatever is moving, only to find that the moving thing isn't any more connected than they are, isn't getting them "there" any faster, and isn't even on the right road
Grinding? Please. What makes some people pity you, and hope that you would be as overloaded and worn out as they are? They've elevated their busyness over your ability to rest, rejuvenate, choose, and have peace of mind. Poor things. That competitive demon is a doozy! It will make a runner think the people chilling in the bleachers eating hot dogs are in the race with them! 
REAL players on the field recognize other players, know their positions, and don't confuse them with fans, spectators, announcers, cheerleaders, or vendors. Real players also study and respect trailblazers, as opposed to merely critiquing and comparing them to themselves, or coveting their accomplishments and notoriety. Real players know who and what is, and will always be relevant. 

Stop stalking, tracking, blocking, and tackling people who aren't even in the game with you--nor do they want to be. Be teachable when faced with those who've actually played your game and played well. Pay attention to the field, You'll play better--and even enjoy your own game--and maybe even win one one day if you focus, stop looking back, and lose the arrogance. 
Properly motivated hard work pays off.

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