Tuesday, November 6, 2018


When the silly PAC ads weren’t spewing deception, they were trying to scare you to death, or incite insecurity...In strategic places, polls didn’t open on time; machines were broken; ballots ran out; lines were ridiculously long; acceptable ID’s were denied...Fear and loss of control are real motivators of shady behavior, I guess.

Nevertheless, history was made, seats flipped, more citizens registered and participated (and I can’t WAIT to see who will be chairing committees), but there MUST be a more efficient way to vote—and stamp out voter suppression...

“America, America, God mend thine every flaw...”  

It amazes me how willing people are to prefer a lie; defend a liar; align themselves with anything or anyone they neither love, like, nor respect.

There’s always a payoff when people blindly or deliberately support anything that goes against their own best interest, or what they know is right or reasonable...Projection is something else. 

Why is my single vote, or the collective vote of people of color a source of worry or stress for anyone? What is this “take over” mentality that causes people to lose sleep in a land of abundance? Why the need to paint people as incompetent, dangerous, ignorant, radical, unqualified or monsters? What inspires the anxiety that makes people BOLDLY cheat by gerrymandering and outright voter suppression?
It makes sense that those who have a history of hating, oppressing, terrorizing, debasing, ostracizing, misrepresenting, and demonizing others, would and SHOULD be fearful of what might happen if the tables should turn. Guilt does weird things to people. It makes some people apologetic and remorseful, while others dig in, stick to their rhetoric, and fail to see how their OWN words and behavior are the sources of the problems they face... The lying, scheming, defamation, and lawlessness makes sense— and it’s not just a national politics problem, either. If you EVER get power; if you EVER get authority or responsibility; if you EVER get a voice and actually use it; if you EVER get a seat at the decision-making table, there’s some insecure someone who will NEVER concede to how fair, competent, compassionate, forgiving, merciful, mature, or responsible you are, or can be. It would upset the narrative they’ve been spewing. It would expose their pettiness and lack of veracity. It would make them have to question the integrity of what they’ve been taught, and what they’ve chosen to believe.
Somebody is very afraid you’ll remember what their hatred, arrogance, and selfishness motivated them to do you. They’re afraid you’ll adopt THEIR ways, and engage in a little payback. They’re afraid you have receipts.That’s why they work so hard to keep you down AND silent. That’s why they dog you every chance they get. Thats why they freak out when you show up in what they perceive as THEIR circles and spaces. That’s why they strike first. They should be exhausted. They are— exhausted and desperate. Look at their faces. 

Fear feeds evil. Evil never wins. If you can only win by deception, there’s nothing— NOTHING to celebrate. 

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