Friday, March 23, 2018


The snow was beautiful!
After looking outside this morning, it was also a reminder of how temporary some things are; how abruptly, or divinely plans can change, and how much and often we should be thankful and grateful for basic necessities, and not take anything for granted. It's was also a reminder of what could be or needs to be done inside, that you've been putting off, since you won't be going out. 
An unexpected snowfall makes you appreciate what you have readily available (that you may have overlooked) and makes you question why you don't do (or cook) certain things more often.

While I was pushing the shovel down the driveway to make a single path to the mailbox, I was also reminded that if you make an effort, something greater will remind you that it's got you, (and your back) and will do the rest. (Thanks sunshine.) 


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