Friday, January 5, 2018


Every day, political news stories teach valuable lessons.

Many people will align themselves with anyone if they think there's a shared interest or common enemy--including people they don't like, don't respect, have maligned, ridiculed, or criticized. 
To advance their cause, they will seek out people they think are gullible to do their dirty work for them. 
They will feed them lies and nonsense, get them all fired up, send them on wild goose chases, cause wastes of time and resources, deliberately fracture working and personal relationships, and launch campaigns against others--and then they sit back and wait for results. 

When nothing materializes, tables turn, and truth is revealed, however, many realize that the person they picked to do their bidding may not be as stupid, willing, or loyal as they thought. They soon find that their supposed ally has an agenda, too--and a mind-- of his or her own.  
In frustration, many people will throw their supposed friends and colleagues under the same bus they hoped would run over their adversaries. 
It would all be so amusing and entertaining to watch if it weren't so sad. 

Be careful whose side you take, and whose cause you support. Think. Stand on the side of righteousness even if you have to stand alone.

Miss Maya was right. "When people show you who they are, believe them-- the first time". 

Grandmothers everywhere were right, too: "A dog that will bring a bone will carry one", and "If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas."


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