Saturday, December 23, 2017


1. Miracles still happen, but they may come at a premium.
2. Scratch mediocrity and you will find convenience, carelessness, and apathy.
3. Scratch excellence and you'll find more excellence.
4. Selfishness and arrogance, and selflessness and humility can be taught and learned in the same household.
5. When people act recklessly without fully knowing the weight and ramifications of their actions, you may have to assist in the cleanup.
6. There's a difference between being neutral and being negligent. A coward will never take a stand, so don't expect it.
7. Firsthand knowledge is always the best to possess. If you're operating with half of a story, you are at a disadvantage you shouldn't accept.
8. A lesson learned late, is still a lesson learned.
9. Favor still isn't fair. Don't reject it.
10. The promises that others have made to God can impact your life in the most wonderful and unexpected ways.
11. You are accountable only to the individual who has given you authority. Others can expect or demand explanations, but they are not owed them.
12. Your courtesy is not a given. It will be appreciated by some, but expected by others. It is still up to you whether to extend it.
13. A lie can go a long way. Discerning people, however, can spot a lie-- and the liar telling it--and shut it down.
14. Competence needs no apology.
15. Choose representatives very carefully. Everyone cannot speak for you.
16. Difficult people are often insecure, miserable people. They will always hurt themselves under the guise of hurting others--and then look for sympathy from those they've hurt.
17. It isn't unusual for a person to be labeled "unstable" when they finally speak up and refuse to tolerate the very nonsense that others are impacted by, but never address. Expose and correct the problem that exist, and things will run smoothly. Losing good people is a result of allowing foolishness to run rampant and then expecting (or hoping) they will work around it.
18. There is always a payoff when an untenable situation, or unacceptable behavior is allowed to continue. Someone always benefits from dysfunction.
19. What and who you choose to believe speaks volumes.
20. Given the situation, you may surprise yourself with what you can do, for whom, and for what duration.
21. Competitive people can only try to replicate your actions. They will never be able to replicate your heart or motives.
22. Setting boundaries is an exercise in maintaining peace of mind.
23. Auntee Lillian was right. "Some people don't mind lying". 
24. How someone treats others should be of great interest to you should you ever have to work with them. 
25. People will use you as their excuse for not doing what they never wanted to do in the first place--and it will always be obvious.
26. No apology or explanation is ever needed for doing a good job, being faithful, or following instructions. Remember who you work for.
27. When given authority, taking care of what belongs to others as if it was your own, is still a good personal rule to follow.
28. Knowing when to walk away is not synonymous with running away. There's a difference between picking your battles and knowing how to fight. Never underestimate--or needle-- anyone.
29. Intimidated people will seek to intimidate, and will then be offended when their tactics are met with opposition. 
30. The small stuff is packed with lessons for handling and mastering the big stuff. You'll know when you've passed.
31. Treasure those who value what you bring to the table--no matter how insignificant you think it is in the grand scheme of things.
32. Even a heavily influenced individual will eventually choose to see and think for him or herself. You can see it in their eyes even if they never say a word.
33. Pay attention to what others are eager to defend or overlook from one group or person, but will condemn in another.
34. Teamwork is a wonderful thing to observe.
35. The person who everyone is afraid to check, will be the death of an organization.
36. Many are anxiously waiting for you to do what they would do if they were in your position. It baffles them when you choose the high road.
37. There are those who are interested in what you have and how it can enrich them. There are others who are merely interested in you. What you have or can give doesn't matter. Cherish them.
38. Good advice is still good no matter who gives it.
39. It's not the number of strings that matters, but the skill of the player.
40. Rejoice no matter what, especially if you've seen God's work. He can handle it.
41. When desperate people can't get to you, they'll try to influence those closest to you. The operative word is "try". Secure, strong relationships are never in danger. 
42. Remain on the side of life. God is there.

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