Tuesday, December 12, 2017


It was so nice and refreshing to sing with friends this past weekend.
Caregivers, stay connected to what you love, and appreciate those who reach out at those times when you need a boost the most. 

There's always some force, however, that endeavors to turn what you love into a chore, put a dampener on things, and bring drama where it doesn't need to be, but you have to work hard to ignore that. See it, but not see it, and have a great time. 
Joy stealers, and all of the intentions and actions they try to justify, don't ever have to win.

Dear Caregivers,
It's so easy to become so consumed with your calling that you forget about yourself—your own needs, wants, and likes. Don’t forget, you're a caregiver, not an inmate, a peon, a hermit, or a slave. 
You can go out. 
You can sit down. 
You're not marooned on an island. 
You don't have to do everything, but document EVERYTHING you do.
Don't isolate yourself. That's not wise. 

If you're tired, acknowledge that and rest. 

When someone says, "Do you want to go to_____?”, don’t hesitate. 
Take them up on the offer (no matter how your hair looks).

There's a false notion that the caregiver is carefree. 
Those who know the truth are like saviors. Identify those people and cherish them.


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