Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I would think it difficult to walk around with two faces:
one, that arrogantly, and regularly boasts and promises what it's going to do or say, when faced with certain people and situations, and 
another one that cowers, capitulates, schmoozes, grins, shucks, jives, and caves when it's time to speak up, or take a stand. 

You only need one time to watch someone kissing-up to the very people with whom they adamantly said they had no relationship, affinity, or communication, to see the light. 
Going forward, it will inform anything and everything you do or say, where they are concerned. 
Like my grandmother used to say, "Some people you handle with a long-handled spoon".
So...There are times you have to reevaluate, and reorder your relationships, speak up, and set boundaries. 

I'm learning that it's not the truth that people have issues with--it's the person who points it out. 

Some would rather embrace a lie and excuse questionable behavior than say, "You know what? I agree with you. 
That didn't make sense"; "That wasn't appropriate"; "That shouldn't have happened";  
"That was wrong".

Pay attention to how quickly people make excuses for one thing, or person, but criticize another. Someone who's always walking the middle isn't always being neutral. Sometimes they're being cowardly and deceptive. 
It's awfully hard to trust, confide in, or be comfortable around people who see wrong, and call it right.

Notice when people are offended by your stance, and are a bit too eager to pounce on, argue with, minimize, silence, or counter it. 

I'm always amused by those who are always asking if something is wrong, as if they're hoping that something is
There's a hidden issue with you that they try to hide, but it's glaring. 

My Dad always said, you have to watch those who "just go along to get along". Don't be preoccupied, but note those who don't really like your position, your role, the integrity you possess, or your competence. Make no mistake. They've been itching for a confrontation so they can tell you what they think about you. 
If you say the sky is blue, they'll say it's brown with green polka dots. 
If they thought they could get away with it, they'd erase you altogether. 

Some people have issues with you simply because you will take a stand, and you won't be silenced. 
You have sidestepped their schemes. 
You've deflected their bullying. 
You've survived and thrived in spite of them and their divisiveness, whispering, gossiping, murmuring, and meddling. 
You've accomplished what they were so sure you weren't able to do, that they were unwilling to do. 
You've remained strong and steady at the table where they don't think you belong. 
Your relationships, that they tried to fracture, are still intact and are in fact, stronger
You didn't quit so that they could implement their agenda.

You'll know where you stand with people the second you push back or disagree. They will come back at you with all kinds of attitude. They'll look for offense and be ready with a response that makes no sense, or doesn't apply to the situation at hand. They've been storing a response for so long, they won't even hear how loaded it is.
Unfortunate for them, is the fact that you don't respect them enough to care what they have to say. They've already proven themselves lacking in good judgment, faithfulness, consistency, discernment, or authenticity. 

Miss Maya Angelou was right. "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."
Don't abandon or apologize for doing or saying the right thing.  People don't ever have to like you, so don't defer to them, or surrender your standards. Don't be wishy-washy or afraid. 
Someone's well-being could be at stake. 

Loud, busy, manipulative, condescending, and pushy have never been right. 
What's right and reasonable needs no defense--even to people who pretend not to know any better so they can stay on someone's good side, score points, assuage their guilt, save their hides, cover their missteps, or avoid confrontation. 

My mom used to say, "Stand on the side of right-- even if you have to stand by yourself".


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