Tuesday, October 17, 2017


With no warning, or care
Sorrow knocked at my door
I knew it was nearby
Never this close before
It was my first, real loss
Though death was not new
This time it was different
I couldn’t find you
You’d always been there
Close enough to reach
This time I cried out
Did you answer me?

You let me stand
In my grief for a while
My soul was angry
My heart could not smile
Before, I always knew
Just where to turn
A chapter; a page
A lesson to learn
There was always a sermon
A poem, a song
To turn to when 
Everything seemed to be wrong

But this time you spoke
Directly to me
Stepped into my space
Ministered to me
“My child I’m still here
Just as I have been
I’ll always be near
Now until the end
I never said you
Would always have ease
But trust, I’m right here
My child, hear me please

There’s never a time
That you’ll be alone
You’re not forsaken
You still have a home
And deep inside you
Live wisdom and grace
Placed there so that you’d
Always seek My face

In times just like now
When nothing makes sense
And nothing seems fair
And your strength is spent
Remember my child
Apply what you know
Don’t wallow in doubt
Don’t let it be so

This trial may be
Difficult for you
So give it to me
And watch what I do
You’ll no longer feel lost
I’ll dry every tear
And the questions you ask?
I’ll make each answer clear

And rest you shall have
Peaceful, and with ease
I love you, and I’ll
Take care of your needs
Though this is your first time
I’ve done this before
I, too, had to lose
Someone I adore
So cheer up my child
This isn’t the end
Out of this will grow
Something lovely again”


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