Tuesday, October 3, 2017


“What key?”, the bullets asked the band
Before they joined the show
"Never mind. 
We’ll find our own
Besides, they’ll never know

We’ll start off in the key of A
Assault their warm venue
Then switch to G
As they grieve, and wonder what to do
And then to C
We’ll catch them in a place that they think safe
Then stay in D until the end
Drive them out of the place

They’ll think we showed up with the band
It won’t be a surprise
Our beat will drown their instruments
Before they realize
Our tempo will take over
Leaving theirs to wane and fade
Stressful sounds will soon replace 
The music that they made
Many in the crowd will fall
And some will simply say
The melancholy ballads
Are what took their breaths away
Or maybe it’s the players'
Sleepy eyes, sharp boots, tight jeans
That caused the domino effect
Of falling women’s screams

They’ll ignore us, after all
We’re with them all the time
They hold us dear
Their right to have us
Fill many a rhyme

They’ll look up, and see us coming
Though they never thought that we
Would turn on them; their sacred place
Assault their liberty
Cause them to feel the terror
That they’ve seen in others’ eyes
And challenge their philosophy
Of justice, and good guys

We’ll play our own tune; our own key
Silence the guitar strains
And soon they’ll know it’s our show
When no harmony remains

And when it’s done
They’ll go back to just playing simple songs
And leave the smoke and weaponry
In war, where it belongs

One day it won’t be minutes, but
Seconds into the song
That it is clear to all who hear
The pain doesn't belong
No fireworks, no homemade bombs
Guns, or wild stampedes
No padding compositions with
Violent noise or deeds

Maybe we'll just have music
Where music lovers go
Never again will they assume
“It’s just part of the show”

vrw ©2017

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