Friday, September 8, 2017


I celebrate my daughter today. 
Every birthday is a milestone; a reminder of how blessed I am. Thank you, God.

I remember the first time I looked into her beautiful face. I wanted a daughter. Somehow, I knew the baby I carried was female. When the doctor announced, "It's a girl", I replied, "I know".

This morning, I remembered the ride from the hospital. I looked out of the car window, as we traveled down North Capitol Street, and wondered what kind of a world I'd brought her into. Protecting, guiding, and covering her was all I thought about. I was never a fighter, but I knew I would fight for her.  

I dreamed of what she would become. Most of all I just wanted her to be safe, secure, free, and happy. 
My cousin Frannie was right. She was the little kid who'd rather read, or be read to, than go out to play. All of that reading and being read to, served her well.

She has exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I admire her strength, wisdom, and independence. She's responsible and thoughtful--and taller than I am. 
I love her to life, and I love her life. She's free. 

Just seeing her puts a smile on my face. I'm grateful for all that she has taught and is still teaching me.
I guess it's no surprise that I'm proud of her--and I like her. She's the kind of person you'd want as a friend.
Happy Birthday, dear Lisa. 

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