Wednesday, July 26, 2017


For a while, I watched broadcast news in disbelief. Every day, watching exasperated journalists report story after story exposing more corruption, idiocy, hypocrisy, contradictions, lawlessness, hate, and the outright lies of people we should be able to trust, was disheartening. 

You want to stay informed, but at what cost to your peace of mind? 

I found myself skipping it all, some days, and going straight to Antenna TV as I prepared breakfast. Sometimes, all it proved was that there was nothing new under the Sun. 
There was political divisiveness and collusion with Russians in Mayberry, too.

I've wondered often why leaders wouldn't stand up, declare that enough was enough, and do something. Make sense of things. 
Call out injustice and impropriety. 
Restore dignity. 
Didn't they see what the rest of the country was seeing? 
Didn't they notice what a laughingstock America has become?

I imagined Little Mary Haines in that scene from "The Women" crying and screaming at Congress, "Do something! Do something!"

My routine, at the end of the day, included laughing at the commentary of the very informed Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert and Seth Myers. 
I listen to The Young Turks on YouTube. 
Getting frustrated by politics is counterproductive, and I strongly recommend comic relief from the bizarre. 
I'm glad someone endeavors to find the humor in it all. 
I'm glad that someone continues to search out the truth, but what's happening politically in America is anything but funny. 

When you have the responsibility and authority to make things right, but don't, you can't be appalled when you, and the chain of command about which you boast, are disrespected or ignored. 
You can't be and perpetuate the problem, and then wonder why others lose confidence in you, see you as an enemy or a threat, work to unseat you, or cease to engage altogether.

A self-centered, dishonest, mistrusted leader, in whom no one has genuine confidence, but for whom many make excuses, is dangerous. 
"Yes" men, opportunists, and spineless, soulless followers wielding power are dangerous, too. 
But when those who used to speak up; who used to be known for their integrity, choose to close their eyes and ears; when they demonstrate that they can be bought, manipulated and silenced, it's not unusual for new leaders to emerge. 

Is it possible that some are so bitter about being rejected by voters during the presidential campaign that they are now saying, “You could have had me, but that’s the leader you chose. Deal with it. I’m just going to sit back and watch you suffer.”

“The Nine” and their “No” votes concerning the ACA shouldn't be regarded as “the exception”, or “brave”. They should be the rule
Why is it remarkable that nine people weighed the pros and cons of an issue, and made a decision that should have been a no-brainer for their colleagues as well? They did what was reasonable. 
They abandoned a groupthink mentality in favor of what was right, not only morally, but based on credible data. 
They remembered their purpose, and who they were sent to represent. 
They chose country over party. 
They stood for something noble and fair. 
Their votes spoke truth to power. 
Why others did not follow their example, isn't hard to figure out. 
There is surely a payoff when intelligent people feign clueless-ness, harden their hearts, celebrate incompetence, ignore the law, abandon their convictions, choose to support, applaud, promote and cosign the actions of a fool, or push agendas that will cause unnecessary harm.

Sometimes I wonder if our nation’s elected leaders are being threatened or blackmailed into going along with utter foolishness. That would explain their apathy, capitulation, or and silence. 
Are they afraid? 
Are their hands tied? 
Many have clearly forgotten for whom they work. Many have forgotten the oaths they took and principles of service, but then, people do what they are allowed to do. 
After a while, they see themselves as above the law, above the very people who voted them into office, and exempt from the consequences that others face. After a while, they appear useless and embarrassing. Their reputations and legacies suffer. 
Do they care?

Evil may enjoy a brief reign, but it never wins.

On another note, I'm so glad that the Microsoft Corporation has decided to give Paint a reprieve. 
It may be "old school", but it still works. 
I'm a big fan. No mess...: )

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