Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Ever get the feeling when someone speaks to you, that an ENTIRE conversation has been had, and they're coming at you all puffed up, and fired up, on behalf of someone else?

Don't be that person who draws conclusions based on misinformation, and then goes off half-cocked to save the day. You'll not only end up with egg on your face, but you may get some information you can't handle.

God, how I love discerning people!!!

Every Now and Then can't tell Every Day a darned thing, and is a fool for trying. My Auntee Gladys used to say, "Some people don't mind lying".

Too many potentially beneficial relationships are forfeited because of loose-lipped, lying, miserable busybodies. Make sure the information upon which you act is the truth. If you're going to throw shade, make sure it's because of something that was done or said directly to YOU, and not what you were told by some manipulative, alternative facts-spewing imp who's looking for recruits. 

Don't pick up other people's issues and embrace them as your own. Don't mistreat good people based on second-hand information or gossip. 
Watch those people who are always trying to "fill you in" about someone else. 
Watch those people who have, in the words of my dear departed Auntee Lillian,"torn their drawers" with everyone else, and need fresh meat to infect and influence. Watch those people who think their limited knowledge or experience makes them experts, decision makers, and critics.  

If you intend to repeat a matter, don't take the chance of appearing foolish because you listened to and believed a con. 
Don't ever be so desperate for ANY relationship that you get sucked in to dysfunction, and begin to do the bidding of those who thrive on confusion.

If you don't have ALL sides of a matter, there's a gaping deficit you can't afford to do without. 
Don't ever check your brain or discernment at the door. Open your eyes. The truth is the light. If you're going to be in the dark, or on the wrong side of a matter, you only have yourself to blame.

Sometimes we turn a blind eye to what people do and say, because of who they are, and then wonder why strife continues. You can like and love people, but when it comes to their ways, don't be lulled to sleep. Don't defend what is indefensible. Don't become what you wouldn't tolerate. Don't say it's okay when it isn't. Speak up and call every spade a spade. They won't like it, but why WOULDN'T it piss a devil off when you make it known that you can see through their schemes and won't tolerate them, or allow them to hinder your relationships with others?

Keep your eyes open...: )

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