Wednesday, May 10, 2017



Someone had a bright idea
To which they said, “Get outta here!”
Why do some seem to still believe
The best is not what young folks need?

What was the payoff for the choice
To have a condescending voice?
Who pocketed the tainted cash
But didn’t think there’d be backlash?
And why expect consent and peace
Ignoring what they all believe,
Then threaten them for being bold;
Refusing to do what they’re told
Refusing to be put upon
As a paid voice droned on and on?

This generation isn’t us
We weren’t allowed to make a fuss
We had to be good and polite
And keep our true thoughts out of sight
Just sit in silence, bow and smile;
Force ire and shame to reconcile
Not making waves, was one more way
To make sure we would all be safe
By day-- sing, tap dance, shuffle, kneel
By night-- scream how we really feel
The years of words I could not say
Caused my pride for that class today

These days, the young ones use their minds
They challenge power all the time
Especially when power’s weak
And can’t abide the truth they speak
They can’t be bought; their eyes do see
When elders lack integrity
Think you’ll fool them, if you choose
All you’ll get are backs and boos.

Backs and boos
Backs and boos
The response to a cunning ruse
The answer to a shady deal
A sure way to know how they feel
Go, try to con them if you choose
All you’ll get are backs and boos

I imagine the Bethune- Cookman Class of 2017 was taught to be: 
critical, independent thinkers; 
aware of what was happening on the national and world stage; 
aware of, speak, and stand up for their rights while never forgetting the responsibilities that accompany them. 

Their school is named after a woman who fought injustice, racism, and bigotry. 
To minimize their years of effort, contaminate the day, threaten them, and expect them to be quiet, happy, impressed, and polite by blatant insensitivity and poor judgment, was a reminder of the days when we were made to feel we had to be the "good ones"; the "acceptable ones"; the "civilized ones". 
"Don't embarrass your people."

Was no one else available who the students could respect and emulate? 
Were their choices of commencement speakers not available? 
Were they even asked who they'd like to hear today? 
Was there not a beloved professor who could have sufficed? 
Did no one hear their protests, or did they simply not care

One lesson was learned today: 
Don't expect others to put up with, or fail to call out the BS that your agenda, fear, indebtedness, or lack of integrity forces you to tolerate.

People who demand consent, in spite of their questionable actions, have no other option than to throw their weight around when those they feel are powerless, refuse to capitulate. 

The Bethune-Cookman class of 2017 was not playing along with the photo-op. 
I'm sure she's a lovely person, but who...what clueless person thought that having the questionably chosen government official speak, was a good idea? 
"Respect the office", you say? 
Shouldn't the aim be to respect the individual holding the office, genuinely acknowledge, have confidence in, and laud their qualifications? 

Did decision-makers not watch and listen to the hearings? 
Have they not read a newspaper? 
Did they not see "Saturday Night Live"? 
Surely, there was a payoff or some political motive, but why use the students' big day to execute it, and then criticize and threaten them for protesting?
There are times when being nice won't do. 
Looks like today's young people aren't as inclined to sing, dance, grin, shuffle, and pick the cotton, as some of their elders are--and they don't mind at all if the US Postal Service (that's considering, once again, to increase the cost of stamps) delivers their diplomas.


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