Monday, February 6, 2017


I'd never considered myself political. 
I did always enjoy History and Social Studies classes. 
I remember how my high school Political Science teacher, Mr. James McGuire, would daily encourage us not to be, or become the "peanut gallery". 
He demanded that we think
He loved it when we would ask questions and challenge him. No question was stupid. 
Sometimes, his face would turn beet red as he tried to get us to understand one thing or another. 
Critical thinking was a necessity. Reading with comprehension, was, too. 
He wanted us to know how, and where to look for information. 
Blind trust in any person or organization, was a mistake. 
Blind trust was reserved for God alone.

These days, it's hard to know who to believe on Capitol Hill. 
Party loyalty and corporate interests seem to eclipse everything. 
Lying, evasiveness, and double-talk have become pastimes. 

We have a president who was elected for many reasons, including the fact that most of America's eligible voters clearly sat this one out. 

As smart and experienced as the Democratic candidate is, she suffered the same fate as Al Gore. When there was an opportunity to legally (and morally) rectify the outcome of the election, and there were ways, they were abandoned. 
We were all admonished to suck it up, and celebrate the peaceful transition of power-- as we always do, no matter how bewildered or disappointed we may be. 

We watched super cool, calm, collected, intelligent, responsible, articulate, committed, diplomatic, optimistic, beloved, handsome Barack, fly off into the Florida. 
We were sad to see him go--those brains, that smile, that calm, that suave walk-- but were also glad that he no longer had to deal with the obstruction, skepticism, racism, opposition, and the flat-out hatred, that turned him into Michelle's silver fox.


Leaders sent to Washington to represent us are always saying "what the American people want", but I wonder if anyone actually bothers to ask, and if they do, are they listening

Eleanor Holmes Norton still can't vote on behalf of the citizens of the District of Columbia. The fact that no one sees the ginormous flaw in that (as America tries to sell Democracy all over the world), baffles me. 

People in Flint, Michigan STILL don't have clean water. 
Places in Louisiana are nicknamed "Cancer Alley".
Is the system rigged? 
Are leaders bought
Are they petty and small? 
Do they have consciences? Backbone? Integrity? 
Have they, or their families been threatened? 
Are they greedy? 
Have they forgotten what service is? 
Do they care? 
Are they out of touch? 
Have ethics gone out of their windows?

Before the election, I'd never heard of him. Now I'm curious about so-called "President Bannon". 
I watch C-Span, and Democrats, with their voices cracking, and fists pounding, are on the verge of tears. 
(Sometimes it seems as if Al Franken is the only congressman with a working spine.) 

A Trump presidency wasn't supposed to happen. Trump won, and even he is alleging voter fraud! Americans are still in shock, and waiting to see what's going to happen. 

Did everyone take for granted that it was Hillary's turn
Did everyone think she had it in the bag? 
In this social media age, did everyone think what his own party did to dear Bernie was going to be forgiven and forgotten? 
WHY didn't Hillary choose him as her running mate instead of the likable Tim Kaine? 
I'm no prognosticator, but I believe a Clinton-Sanders ticket would have been a hit. 
Voters simply stayed at home! 
Now we have a reality TV star in the White House, and frankly, nothing he's done nor said, surprises me.
I was an avid viewer of "The Apprentice". 
I thoroughly enjoyed that show when Trump was at the helm. In his world, outrage, drama, backstabbing, competition, controversy, and cliffhangers get attention and ratings. Bad boys are adored, and all publicity is good. 
Current American politics is like viewing unscripted television, and it would be entertaining and fun if it were not the real deal. 
The message now is that Americans should be very worried.

The narrative is that we should be very afraid of one person in particular--not Trump, but Steve Bannon. His position at Trump's right hand is supposed to keep us all awake at night. 
I'm always skeptical when someone is so lambasted, and many would have Americans believe that this man is a spawn of Satan. 
People don't relentlessly demonize others for nothing

There's always something; some information that someone doesn't want you to know. 
Have Americans been deceived by those trusted most? Are both major political parties one in the same? 

Now I'm more curious than ever. Thanks, Mr. McGuire.

This documentary, Generation Zero, written and directed by Steven K. Bannon is about 7 years old, but it's a start to understanding his thinking, and it's at least one point of view concerning where Americans stand on issues, and why.

"We should never underestimate the power of human self-delusion." ~David Frum 

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