Thursday, January 19, 2017


So, I'm enjoying National Popcorn Day. It's one consolation today, because I admit, I've been feeling some kind of way. I'm not sad, just, I don't know, okay...maybe I am a little sad. I have the best popcorn in America, I think--Chicago's Garrett's. It arrived yesterday and I broke out the ziploc bag. I will not allow it to get stale. That would make me I think I've had enough, though. 
I wonder if all over America people are self-medicating with their favorites, too. 
I haven't had enough of another of Chicago's favorites--the Obama Family. They've made me so proud. Today's their last day as residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I'm keenly aware today, that a man who represented extremely well, in whom we all could take considerable pride (if we wanted to) will no longer be the leader of the free world. I tell you it's like being inside a luxury vehicle and being told you have to ride the rest of the way on a rusty tricycle. That's the way it seems. After 8 years of knowing that people in high places were determined to see him fail--and said as much--I'm glad that he and his beautiful family won't have to deal with the madness any longer. In the face of disrespect, innuendo, lies, attacks, lack of cooperation, divisiveness, and childishness, a lesser man would have snapped long ago. He never did. 

Voters said they wanted something "different". Well, we've surely gotten "different". I'm trying to be my usually optimistic self. After all, I'm a Black woman in America who was born and raised by two Black parents who hail from the deep South, whose parents were also from the deep South. There's just not a whole lot that surprises or rattles me when it comes to politics in America. My 90 year old father said he never thought he would ever see a Black family in the White House. He didn't always agree with the President, but he was a faithful supporter. With Brother Barack, it seemed we'd turned a corner or a page in America. It's now clear that we weren't all reading the same book.

I watch C-Span and see and hear people who are as qualified as a Q-tip to oversee the agencies and organizations they've been tapped for, and it makes me shake my head. I see leaders who don't seem to believe the words that are coming out of their own mouths; they don't seem to have the guts to stand up for what is prudent. They seem to be bought. Their hands seem to be tied. It's like someone has something on them that prevents them from thinking independently and representing the people who voted for them. It seems that the notion of service is lost on many of them. There is no empathy. No compassion, just selfishness and greed. Whatever happened to putting our best foot forward? I listen to people try to justify lies, minimize untenable words and behavior, and spin stuff that makes absolutely no sense. I discern hate. I know it's born out of ignorance and fear. It's nothing new. 
Just like I did as a college student when Mr. Reagan was elected, (and frightened people were counting the letters in his name, wondering if he was the anti-Christ) I'm trying to wrap my mind around current events, and adjust. Oh, I ain't scared Reverend Purlie, but I'm concerned. Yeah. I was hoping there was some way the Obamas could stay. It has been wonderful to have such classy, mature, caring, intelligent representation.
I read my favorite Bible verses: 
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
I read Psalm 75:5-7. "Do not lift up your horn on high, do not speak with insolent pride. For not from the east, nor from the west, or from the desert comes exaltation, but God is the Judge; He puts down one and exalts another..." Then I read Daniel 2:21."It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men, and knowledge to men of understanding". 
I thought, "God did YOU do this? A'ight then. I know your work. I'm cool." I still grabbed another handful of popcorn. 

It occurred to me that my favorite book in the world is filled with underdogs, scoundrels, egomaniacs, and unlikely, unqualified, imperfect, victors, of whom any thinking person should be skeptical. God--the superstar of wisdom and justice,  chose and used them all. Maybe he's doing it again, and in 4 years we'll all laugh and say, "Oh! Okay Lord. I see what you were doing there!"

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