Sunday, January 8, 2017


There are times when the Lord won't allow you to be fast on your feet. You'll hear, "I've got this" so clearly! He'll handle it...
When you think of the witty, biting, TRUE stuff you COULD have said, but He kept your mouth shut, it's a little scary. Words truly ARE powerful, and you'll surprise yourself when the contents of your heart are revealed concerning those who have simply gone too far. There's a difference between speaking up and giving someone a piece of your mind. People NEED to know when they have crossed boundaries so that they won't think they have free reign to do it again--ESPECIALLY people who have no filter, respect, or empathy when it comes to you. 
I just don't know WHEN people started thinking they could disregard you, or confront you based on the word of someone else! Sometimes, speaking up is prudent and timely.
It doesn't matter what skewed narrative someone is desperately spinning and spreading about you to everyone who will listen. It doesn't matter what picture of you someone paints in order to make themselves appear innocent, important, or to gain sympathy. Discerning people know what's up. Sometimes it doesn't even take discernment--just eyes and ears.

No one can make you look bad when you're consistently on the job and effective at it--not even narcissistic individuals. THE TRUTH IS THE LIGHT. You wanna see folk slither back to their own business; resume worrying about their own affairs; reassess their opinions; check themselves and their motives; apologize profusely? Just go on and tell them the truth with boldness, and in its entirety. You've been quiet and nice so long they didn't think you knew the truth--or they thought you were weak. Surprise them.
Good documentation skills are your friends on ANY job. Document. No one will ever be able to say what you did, or didn't do.
Speak up. Part of your problem is that some people think you're a pushover. Educate them. So WHAT if they deem you mean, unapproachable, rigid, or unfriendly. That's standard for people who can no longer manipulate you. In the future, they'll think before they speak or act, and that's a good thing.

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