Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Some are celebrating now
Some are contemplating, “How?”
Some, are not surprised
Some are not the least bit sad; alarmed
Though some do ponder why
Either opposing side
Would make a choice
That has potential for great harm

There’s a silent need
That with desperate speed
Has been moving, longing, 
Waiting to be heard
When things change, I’ve found
Those who’ve been kicked around
Start to fear that what they’ve known
May not return

So they hear, but they
Put all listening away
Scenes of yesterday revive them
And they’re off!
Anything that seems
To give life to their dreams
Is a blow to others--
Be it hard, or soft

It’s about control
Survival is the goal
A longing for a time when
For them, all was great
Problem is, that they
Wore blinders; closed their ears
When others suffered
As they cherished a full plate

Perhaps it would be wise
To consider all sides
Of an issue
Even if some sides are flawed
And not give power to
What will discourage you
And still have hope
When there seems little to applaud


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