Wednesday, October 5, 2016


It's not always the surface of the floor. It's not always the inconsistency of one's steps, pace, or stride. It's not always one's strength, stamina or muscle tone. It's not that one isn't careful or is inattentive. It's not that one's intentions aren't righteous. It's not that one is going the wrong way or should take another path. Sometimes it's the construction or condition of the shoe one chooses, or insists upon wearing, or refuses to discard that makes one stumble and fall.
What is it that is holding you fast that is keeping you from moving with ease? What is stubbornly snagging you? What is failing to go with you as you press forward? 
If it is a hindrance--no matter how comfortable it is; no matter how long it's been around--GET RID OF IT. 
Some things have reached the limit of their usefulness. That's especially true if it is causing you to trip. Time to embrace something new that works with you, not against you.

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