Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I don't know what to make of Election 2016. 
I don't know whether to laugh, because it has some serious comedic tendencies, or cry because the world is watching and wondering if Americans have lost their collective minds.

Not nary one of us humans are perfect, but every day, in the interest of winning, the stuff that is dredged up, defended, swept under the rug, and explained away, is getting more sensational.
We've only got two choices.  
Everyone is expected to ride or die with their beloved, but deeply flawed candidate, whose closeted skeletons still have meat on them. 
Somehow we've confused being supportive and loving with being corrupt, delusional, and turning a blind eye. 
We're enabling dysfunction. 
I can be a supportive friend, without co-signing everything they do and say. 
If lying for you, and forfeiting my own opinions and views are prerequisites to being a friend, friendship is in trouble, and "support" needs a new definition.

Its always interesting to hear what people say they used to do, but don't do anymore. 
I kinda think everyone would be more impressed if a person's epiphanies weren't always followed by getting caught red-handed. 
We'd be more impressed if people forsook hatred and bigotry because it's just wrong.  
We'd be more impressed if the things people say they don't do anymore, weren't also the things they can't do anymore. 
That's not a sacrifice. 
Nobody gives a rat's behind because you're bragging about being done with the stuff you can't do anyway (without the assistance of big pharma). 
 Who cares if you've given up red meat, if you don't have any teeth with which to chew it? 

I'm so done with people trotting out their Christianity, too. What is it that makes people think that all God frowns upon is illicit sex, and abuse of drugs and alcohol? He isn't crazy about gossip, sowing seeds of discord, prejudice, deceit, injustice, lying, divisiveness, or nosiness either.

We have a president we could have all been proud of, but he's been dogged and opposed, and hated by members of Congress and segments of America since day one. I guess he's looking pretty good

#TrumpTapes trended on Twitter, and people answered the republican candidate's most recent revelation by comparing his behavior to that of a former president in another exciting social media episode of "Whose Transgression is Worse?" 

Daily we hear surrogates try to make sense out of senselessness; explain what is indefensible, and make us listeners wonder if we have hearing and comprehension issues. 
They do it, while bearing countenances that scream, "I don't believe a word I'm saying, and I know you don't either".

My late mother was supportive of me, but I knew better than to expect her to uphold me when I was wrong. Fat chance that she would point out what some OTHER kid did that was worse in order to minimize my actions. 
If I was wrong, she would not make ANY excuses for me. 
She didn't do ANY of that because she knew she'd taught me to differentiate right from wrong. 
She taught me that every action was followed by a consequence. 
She knew that fueling wrongdoing by defending, dismissing, or ignoring it was not the way. 
She would swiftly correct me--for my own good and the good of everyone I would encounter.

It's amazing what and who people will fiercely defend or excuse...without blinking...with a straight face, in the name of support, or out of fear of losing a relationship, position, or possible future opportunity. 
You have to wonder what people are holding over the heads of others, in order to get them to abandon common sense, or make themselves seem ignorant, bigoted, selfish and void of morals or reason. 
I wonder how much a surrogate gets paid to lie, engage in double talk, and tarnish their own credibility? 
The singer, Adele is right. 
Election 2016 is embarrassing.
There's got to be some obscure rule; some loophole that will allow or force the Obamas to stop packing immediately.
America desperately needs a do over.

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