Tuesday, September 13, 2016


You need not remind people who you are, nor do you have to remind them who they are not. They know. 
Some people are hoping that YOU are confused or misinformed. 
Watch them amp up their obnoxious ways, if you display the least bit of vulnerability.
When YOU are secure, the puffed up presence of someone who has always desired to be you; to possess what you have, or to remove you from the equation altogether, is not the least bit intimidating.
Loud and imposing, should never be mistaken for power or authority. 
Sometimes the loudest, most imposing people are the most insecure; the most desiring of attention, and in need of compassion.

See through the enemy's schemes; see how he endeavors to motivate people to behave badly and make you feel uneasy in the places where you belong, have every right to be, and enjoy peace---but don't follow suit. 
Stand your ground. 
Confront when necessary, but the degree to which you can ignore a thing, is staggering.

Everything doesn't require a response, your attention, or time. 

God is FOR you. Knowing that annihilates the inclination to obsess over, or fear those who may be against you. 
Give your mind and heart a break. 
Know who you are, and rest in that knowledge no matter who is underfoot.

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