Friday, July 8, 2016


"Violence is not the answer."
The somber phrase spoken by those
Who have consistently visited violence upon others
As families mourn the murders of their fathers and brothers
It is also the phrase oppressors demand 
That the oppressed preach to their own
In fear that they'll reap the violence
They've so often sown

"Violence is not the answer"
I kill you
Because you kill me?
My place in your society
Was not by choice, but by force 
Unspeakable cruelty was, of course
The way you kept me and mine in line
You still hate me?
Still see me as less than?
Still screaming for me to "go back"
So that you will no longer have to face
Your evil past; the ease you lack

Your schemes have failed
I am still here in this place
You deem yours alone
Yet in every place, the blood of my ancestors
Cry from the Earth
And I am still here
And you still hate me
In this, my place of birth?
You know what you and yours have done
You simply dread to face it
I remind you of your wicked heart
Your sickness; you can't take it
You saw me as less than human
Yet I am here and thriving
You've done all you can to ruin me
You hate that I'm presiding
"Violence is not the answer"
Speak it to yourself
Speak it before you raise hand or gun
To destroy someone else
Who could help you heal 
Open your eyes
Give you a sense of peace
Speak it, before you justify
Harming someone like me

Is it ever surprising when a person who has been repeatedly punched and kicked cries out and wildly fights back? What happens in the minds of the oppressed? Is it any wonder that more people have not snapped? Fortunately, more people condemn hate than embrace it.
People SHOULD be afraid that the misery they have visited onto others is on it's way to their houses.
Greatest fears are realized when what you set into motion to mow down someone else rolls up to your door. If you want mercy, fairness and understanding for yourself, you can't continually, legally deny it to others.

Sowing and reaping are not just financial and agricultural principles. Until you acknowledge what your role in the dysfunction you face; apologize, and make amends, the individuals who have been impacted by your selfishness, insensitivity, sense of superiority, lies, injustice, cruelty, and scheming will always be in a state of disease, waiting, protesting, complaining, and simmering. Don't ever expect sustained peace if you only enjoy it, not because it is right, good and reasonable, but because it is mandated and maintained by force, manipulation, and evil doing. 
After a while, people get tired of being bullied, oppressed, denied, disregarded and debased. Some will accept the abuse as normal, surrender, find ways to cope, or through faith see their anxiety subside. Others, out of sheer frustration, will boil over, not caring whether innocents are scalded. When your cause is unjust and inhumane; when your heart lacks love and compassion; when you are operating on a lie, when you refuse to acknowledge the humanity of others, when you are motivated by fear, you should always, soberly think about how what you start will finish.

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