Saturday, June 18, 2016


Silence those voices
Shout them down!
Send them to the depths of Hell
Their source is there

Reject those voices
Drown them out!
Replace them with what's bright, and fair
And true, and kind
Renew the symphony of mind
That plays a nurturing song

Guard your ears, and eyes, and heart
Your worth is great
A work of Art you are, Dear One
Please hear my voice today

Silence those voices
They are not strong
Theirs is a sad, desperate state
They know no joy

Pity those voices
And their discord
Refuse to sing their lyrics-- bare
And harsh, and mad
Conduct the orchestra inside
That feeds your soul, and cares

Guard your ears, and eyes, and heart
Your worth is great
A work of Art you are, Dear One
Now sing your song today:

Who are you to tell me how I should be?
Who are you to injure my heart--
To poison how I think, and feel?
Because you don't love you
Should I, then, not love me?

Challenge those voices
They have no power
Your caring is what fueled their sound
But now you know
And now you're free

Pray for those voices
That one day they'll know harmony
And peace of mind, but until then
Don't ever grant access again
Embrace the band whose music
Compliments the song you sing

Guard your ears, and eyes, and heart
Your worth is great
Please tell me that you know, Dear One
Don't ever let it go, Dear One
Let those be tears of joy, Dear One
A work of Art you are, Dear One

A work of Art to me.



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