Friday, April 22, 2016


When you notice that your responses to old triggers are different, or non-existent, you'll laugh out loud, at yourself, and wonder why you ever responded in the first place. 
Too emotionally attached? 
Too quick to take offense? Too naive? 
Too sensitive? 
Just human--and a bit wiser.

It's nice when they do, but no one should have to tell you that you're doing a good job. 
The evidence will be there. 
Be your own supervisor. You know the job description, and whether you have the capability to get things done in an effective and efficient manner. 
If you're honest, you know whether you have been consistent or slacking off. You know when criticism of your efforts is constructive, or antagonistic. 
You also recognize attempts to manipulate you into stepping up your game, or make you feel insecure. 
You don't always have to document your day, but, at times, it's good to be able to back up your words with evidence. 
Stay focused. 
Do your very best, no matter who is, or isn't looking.
No. You don't have to do everything. 
You don't have to put out every fire. 
You don't have to entertain every comment. You are in place and willing. 
You are secure. 
You are competent and faithful. 
Even if sporadic help approaches, as if it has been anxious to compete with you, snoop, or minimize your efforts, that's not your concern.
Do your best.

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