Monday, January 25, 2016


Giant Food's Peapod delivery, understandably, cancelled. I still consider the service a godsend, though.
As I ate the last Yoplait peach yogurt, I found myself feeling so grateful for my Mom's teaching and her creativity in the kitchen. I took inventory of the cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer, and was grateful that, in addition to the staples: bread, milk, eggs, flour, rice, and sugar, there was something in all of them that I could combine to parlay into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack for several days, if need be. (What was the frozen solid, brown stuff in one of the ziploc bags? THE LEFTOVER CHRISTMAS GUMBO!!!!!)
These days are perfect for cooking the stuff you overlooked for something else--stuff that's been languishing, but it's still not past its sell-by date. These are the days that you realize, you DO have more than enough food. Just use what you've got--and you've got nothing but time to prepare it because you're not going anywhere. You don't have to have soda. You can make tea or, here's a thought: Drink water (unless you live in a certain town in Michigan.) No chips? What about those 4 potatoes that have been sprouting in the basket? 
I laughed when I thought about every time I looked at that whole fryer in the freezer, changed my mind, and cooked something else that was easier. I had no problem thawing, washing, cutting up and seasoning that bad boy yesterday, though. I even sat down and cut up potatoes--sweet and white--and saved and seasoned the skins.

You may not have what you want (Okay, okay. popcorn and almond M&M's), but you CAN plan and make appetizing, and healthy meals that will last.

Maybe I can get out and get some popcorn (Okay. Groceries) tomorrow...and promise myself never to run out again. The chopped cabbage and celery salad satisfied my need to crunch, today. The French dressing was running low, but a little mayo, mustard, ketchup, vinegar, and garlic powder all mixed up was quite tasty. 
I'm not sure when I decided to consolidate all of the tea into one box, but the dark chocolate Swiss Miss was a wonderful surprise...: )

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