Saturday, December 5, 2015


I was at a huge church. It was shaped like a semi-circle, and there were seats from the ceiling to the floor. It was packed with people, but they were doing everything except worshiping. They were talking and laughing, eating, and playing games. 
I looked down from my balcony seat and the pastor was in front of the congregation--not in the pulpit--but on the floor. He was barefoot, and doing what I can only describe as an African dance. He had on white flowing robes, his head was down and his arms were flying all over the place. He was dancing so hard that he seemed as if he would collapse. 
There was a large group of people dressed in black clergy attire, all seated in one section in about 5 ascending rows to the right of him. They were just sitting there in their seats looking at him with their arms folded. They showed no emotion. 
I left the balcony, and went into a room where more people were gathered. Someone was selling tickets, someone else was fixing food, and others were just standing around. It was so noisy and crowded. I asked someone how to get to the floor. 
There was an adult usher, and there was a child usher peeking out from behind her. All of a sudden, the child usher snatched my printed program and my keys from me! The adult usher fussed at him and made him give them back to me, and then showed me to an empty elevator. 
The place was so big and there were vendors selling things everywhere! I had to weed through all of the people before I could get to the sanctuary door. When I got inside, the pastor was still dancing! I ran over to the clergy and was screaming "Dance with him! Don't you see him? Why won't you dance with him!" They never moved, and turned their faces to a wall. 
I was so angry I could feel it in my sleep. Then I started screaming at the people, "Why are you letting him dance by himself?", but no one seemed to be paying attention to him or me. I was turning left and right and looking up and just screaming at them like a crazy person, but they never stopped what they were doing. 
He saw me and handed me a microphone. He was sweating and out of breath, but he told me to sing a song. When I opened my mouth to sing, I had been screaming so much that I sounded awful and hoarse. It was a mess...He asked me what was wrong with my voice, and I told him I didn't know. 
As he went back to dance he looked back and said, "Do you think it was the wrong song?" Then he started dancing again all by himself. 
I asked the band to play "Total Praise". 
I tried to sing again and my voice slowly came back. I looked up, and the clergy group was still sitting there but they were frowning and angry. 
A new group of people came in, and started singing and filling in empty seats.....then I woke up.

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