Saturday, November 14, 2015


Your coworker has a serious issue with your supervisor. It's no secret that he doesn't like him, is jealous of his success, and thinks he is better qualified to do the job. 
On numerous occasions your coworker has tried (and failed) to blindside, challenge, and humiliate your supervisor in staff meetings; always trying to trip him up about policies, and testing his knowledge. 

Unable to get support from other co-workers (who find it more profitable to support the supervisor, get the work done, and be unified), he confides in and befriends a demoted employee, whose dislike and criticism of the supervisor is common knowledge. He also seeks out former employees to get disparaging information.
The former employee's attempts at a coup also failed. His constant fault-finding, complaining, and penchant for creating confusion and division gave the supervisor no choice but to remove him from the leadership position he held for many years.
Your coworker's latest ploy, is to tail your supervisor when he leaves the office at the end of the day, and whenever he sees him on the road. He hopes that he will obtain ammunition with which he can present to the owner of the company, attack the supervisor's character, and subsequently assume the supervisor's position. 

How do you know all of this? You accidentally overheard a conversation between your coworker and the demoted employee. 

What do you do?

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