Thursday, September 17, 2015


While watching the debate, it occurred to me that some things and people are deliberately, but unwisely planted distractions. They just want to be in the mix. They could be a positive force if they weren't so bent on being antagonistic--and if their antagonism wasn't encouraged so much that it snowballs into arrogance. They will exalt themselves, or others will foolishly inflate them, so that what they offer only appears to be critical. They're merely in place to keep you from paying attention to what really matters. Yes. They are a complete nuisance. They are busy. That's all. But someone has given them access, so like a crackhead mosquito, they're all over the place. Wasted is the time you give to them. You should be amused, not mad or fretful. They're planted in the hopes that you will become so frustrated by their antics, that you will either become disillusioned with the process, fail to participate, blow your own opportunity, or abandon your appointed place in a thing altogether. What should shut them down won't, because it has a stake in the busyness. (People will find it is difficult to kill the monsters they have created, but have no difficulty expecting, even demanding others to deal with them.)  
The principal thing is in danger of losing its integrity, focus, appeal, ease and flow when access and authority is granted to the frivolous thing. Focus is lost when the frivolous thing gets the big head and is given permission to run amok. What will and does swiftly shut the frivolous mosquito down, is someone who is invested in the execution, reputation, and preservation of, and respect for the principal thing--and it may only take a few, soberly spoken words.

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