Thursday, September 10, 2015


This time, first thing this morning, someone phoned attempting to get money to have their roof repaired. 
I'm noticing that to GET something is the ONLY reason some people DO call. 

I'm all for charity and generosity, but some people are repeat offenders, and should be ashamed of themselves. Where were they when the medical bills from the most recent health scare, were rolling in like a tidal wave? 
Thank heaven for health insurance.

Check on the seniors in your life, everyone--ESPECIALLY if they live alone, are visually impaired, or are not technologically savvy. Many seniors are trusting, and will fall for a good sales pitch, or sob story. 
Many still embrace that good ol' home phone, and answer it as if caller ID was never invented.
Many will answer the door, too, just to have someone to talk to.
Many seniors still like going INSIDE the bank, writing checks, and using stamps. They want to SEE that mail go into the box, or into the mailman's hand. (When that letter comes in with the president's signature stamp on it, good luck convincing them that Barack or Michelle, or Joe, Hillary, Bill, or Nancy didn't PERSONALLY write them a letter--and they MUST reply.) 

It's not just telemarketers, door-to-door salesmen, snail mail, or internet scammers that seek to take advantage of the generous, responsible nature of seniors and their FIXED resources, though. 
Be alert. 

If the seniors in your life will allow it, help them to organize their bills, ledgers, and receipts. Notice patterns and names. Make sure they haven't been conned into switching their utilities to irreputable companies, donating to bogus charities, ministries, and missions, or buying things advertised on infomercials (that they don't need, or understand how to use). 
Make sure they understand that every pharmaceutical commercial is not tailored for their particular ailment, and that some advertised drugs could be useless to, sicken, or kill them.

Keep your ear to the ground. Be very sure they haven't surrendered personal or financial information, ID's, and are aware that their accounts are being debited each month for utilities. If they're on the phone and you hear them rattling off numbers, stop what you're doing and INTERVENE!

There are senior discounts for the services they use. Make sure they're getting them. 

Yes. They are adults, and probably fiercely independent and full of pride, but keep an eye (and ear) out, anyway.


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