Saturday, February 28, 2015


Authority is designated. Responsibility is not. Recognizing who on the job has either is important, so is knowing in which category you fall. Everybody sings the praises of "staying in your lane", following chain of command, and knowing your place, but knowing when to take initiative and when to fall back can be tricky.

You get a message from someone with whom you were once contracted to work. There were three of you on the job at that time. Three, to you, is ideal for the task. Your skills are needed once again, but the employee who contacted you on behalf of the employer, (and is the employee in whom the employer has the strongest relationship, and most confidence), is otherwise obligated. The third employee, who was on the job, happens to be nearby so you relay the message. The third employee, like you, is available.
You wonder if there will be a new, third employee. You have specific ideas about who would not only do the task very well, but would gel with you and the third employee. Whose obligation is it to contact, secure, or recommend a replacement employee?
A. The contact's
B. The employer's
C.Yours, and or the third employee's
D. No one's 

You ask the employee who contacted you to forward your information, and that of the third employee, to the employer in order to get more details about the job. You wait to hear from the week...Nothing...then a second week. Crickets. You assume:
A. The job was cancelled.
B. The contact forgot, or sabotaged the opportunity.
C. The employer decided not to proceed without the original team.
D. The employer chose alternate employees.
E. The contact accidentally forwarded incorrect information

The designated start date of the job is fast approaching. If the tasks are in any way like they were in the past, there is information you will need from the employer in order to be successful. It is not the kind of information you should be, or want to be receiving at the ninth hour. You acquire the employer's contact information. Are you being:
A. Proactive and demonstrating a sign of initiative?
B. Pushy and pressed?
C. Void of confidence?
D. Impatient?

The job start date is 5 days away. You have still heard nothing. You:
A. Assume it's not going to happen.
B. Continue waiting.
C. Lament your time being wasted.
D. Make other plans.

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