Thursday, July 31, 2014


Let's try this again.
It's a new day..and it's nice
Deliberately endeavor, as much as you can, to keep it that way.

You know the stuff that aggravates, so refuse to entertain it. 
I know. That sounds too easy, but you don't have to answer every call, email, text message. 
You can shut down, unplug, change channels, and disconnect from the beeping, chiming, ringing, and knocking. 
Stop and think about your responses. 
You can say, "No", too.  
Now that's a good one that we tend to forget on occasion.
You can stick to your plan, finish your assignments, address your laundry list, or just chill. 
Setting boundaries is a good idea, sometimes. 
Those things that try to bully their way in to get an audience, can only do so with your permission.

If some of yesterday's yuck spilled over into today, and you're going to have a conversation, don't talk to yourself, you'll only become more aggravated 'cause you will always cosign your own point of view, and you'll be so engrossed in agreeing with yourself, that you'll look up and it's tomorrow. 
All of those voices in your head have to stick together, you know, and they will talk forever. 

So...Free yourself today and get a wise, objective take on the situation. 
Talk to God.
He will probably suggest that you get some help with the yuck. 
If another person is involved, he'll suggest you talk to them. 
What a novel idea! It's not the favored route of gossips, but it does have its benefits. 
Instead of assuming or speculating, or just flat out making up stuff, you'll know
Whether you are comfortable with what you learn through having clear-the-air-type conversations, however, depends on you, your honesty, maturity and willingness to forgive or say, "I'm sorry". 
Granted, it's not always easy to engage others, especially if they're right fighters, but do your best. Whatever you find out, is better than not knowing--and then you can commence to enjoying the day!

Don't spend today being catty, though. 
Talking about others can, and does backfire--especially if you're engaged in conversation with someone who is as loyal as Lucifer (or they can't keep their own business confidential--let alone yours). Besides, it's kinda messed up when others meet the person you've been bashing, complaining about, and criticizing, and conclude that they're positively lovely and you're the crazy, jealous, judgmental, insecure, manipulative, unstable one.

It's never a good idea to assign thoughts and feelings to other people. You may be horribly, horribly wrong. Your interpretation of what someone else is doing, thinking, saying, feeling, and why, is either colored by your own impression of them, their deliberate negative actions, the contents of your own heart, or it's an excuse to maintain distance or perpetuate strife. 
Don't be messy, boys and girls. Going around starting hate campaigns against others because you have an issue with them is...well...petty...and selfish...and childish...and just not a good look...
Sorry, but everyone is not going to agree to be mad just because you are. That's not support. That's stupid--especially if you're the culprit in the matter. If I'm going to be mad, I need my own reasons and they're gonna be good and justifiable.

Don't muck up today. It's so gorgeous, and it's still early. 
Decide if whatever IT is can possibly be as big a deal as you think. Either address it, and face the consequences, or let it go. 
There's a lot of serious stuff going on in the world, and although your issue is...well...YOUR issue that a whole lot of people would be delighted to swap with theirs,  if THAT is the most serious item on your plate.

Come on. Have a GOOD day...on purpose.

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