Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Yesterday I dreamed my friends Troy and Jason were desperately trying to wake me. 
There was a show about to start aboard the ship, and I'd overslept....
I don't usually remember my dreams in great detail, just that I did dream something
Perhaps it's because I get up and start busying myself with other things, during whatever prime window of time is best for recalling the night's featured movie of the mind.

Last night, however,  I dreamed I'd left open the window nearest my bed. 
I woke up in the dream, and noticed a rotting hollow tree, that was almost the height of the building. 
Then, I saw something move toward my window. 
I thought it was a branch extended toward me, but it was a huge snake. 
I looked down, and was suddenly frightened because the snake was coiled around the tree from top to bottom. When it saw me, though, it's head retreated and hid, but I could still see the rest of its body coiled around the tree, and its tail moving in the grass. 
I was screaming at it, "I can see you!" 
I reached for a vase that had stones in the bottom of it. I emptied the rocks onto the bed and was about to start throwing them at the snake, when something told me, "Don't do THAT! Close the window!" 
I hurried and closed it, and watched the snake uncoil. 
Then I REALLY woke up, and noticed the actual tree outside my window was being shaken violently by the wind.
I started to call someone, but it's too early for phones to be ringing, and in the words of the great philosopher Tamar Braxton, "Ain't nobody got time for that." 
So, out of curiosity, I turned to the internet for a possible explanation. 
I'm not spooky, by any stretch of the imagination, and don't take stock in a lot of things, but I read Tony Crisp's interpretations at Dreamhawk.com. 
I have to say, they were quite interesting. http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/snake/

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