Wednesday, May 22, 2013


There's a little anxiety in the air at the school. 
The faculty and staff have been notified that a total reconstruction is taking place. 
I hope there won't be too many changes. The children really do need some sense of security, continuity, and community.

A parent walked into the classroom, and whispered that he heard someone stole the rims off of my black, Cadillac Escalade. 
Considering my leisurely walk each day, it would have been more on point if he'd whispered that someone stole the strings out of my sneakers...or the buckles off of my shoes. 
An Escalade, for someone to steal the rims off of, WOULD be nice,

The student who has given me the most trouble since I started my long-term assignment, actually behaved himself today, AND completed his work. We were both happy. As soon as one student gets it together, however, another one (or three) decides to take over the class clown role. 
Isn't that just the way?

I tried a new seating arrangement today. 
Some of the children need to be in a lecture-like position--facing front. They have to focus. 
The Math assessment let me know that many of the children need more help. 
Seven of them, however, aced it.

I HATED Math in school. 
My left-brained, brilliant, big sister always says HOW Math is taught, makes all the difference. Patience and creativity are required.  
I can't believe I'M trying to encourage kids to LOVE Math, and realize how it is present in EVERYTHING. You can't get away from it! It's like The Blob! 
The biggest challenge for some of the students, seems to be comprehending word problems. (Please introduce words and books and comprehension to your child as early as you can. Right out of the womb, when your anesthesia wears off, isn't too soon.) 
Some of the children see the numbers, and forget all about the directions; they forget all about which operation to use, too, so, 9 -2 might suddenly equal 11, and they'll bet money that 8+5 is 3. 
The directions read, "Draw a picture to show 3+2 = 5 ". 
Some of them comply with something like OOO + OO = OOOOO. 
Others, however, stop reading at the word "picture", so you can imagine how BEAUTIFUL their math papers are--colorfully decorated with houses, and clouds, and flowers, and rainbows, and Sponge Bob.... Of course you know I LOVE the pictures, but, that's not the skill we're going after during the Math block. 
I'm going to keep plugging away, though. 
It's nice to see actual light bulb moments.

I felt just a little more hopeful on the walk home.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Sis. Vanessa, for letting us into your world of teaching; great read today as always. :-) God bless.
