Tuesday, November 13, 2012


"The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense." ~Proverbs 10:21
" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." ~Hosea 4:6

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" ~Matthew 6:27

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." ~Romans 13:1

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." 
~1 Timothy 2:1

Aaaahhh. The Election--or as some view it, 
"The End of America as We Know It", 
"The Nail in America's Coffin", 
"The Inciter of God's Wrath", 
"The End of the World". 

Social networking sites are revealing a total lack of faith and confidence in God (that, perhaps, was never really securely there in the first place).

He won. 
Maybe the white children, and grandchildren, and great grandchildren of the people whose faces will forever be etched in Civil Rights Movement era newsreels, are tired of hating for no reason. 
Clearly, people of color weren't the only ones casting votes for him. Oh, the tricks, and plots, and ploys that abounded, to insure that the Obamas would be spending this week packing their bags and their little dog, too! 
The schemes, secret technology, attack ads, and attempts to change voting procedures and requirements failed.

Many need to know that their enemy will win every time they lose patience with God, mistrust how He handles their perceived enemy, abandon God's way, take matters into their own hands, and then try to sneak God back into the very equation from which He was evicted.

Perhaps many should shut up, stop whining, stop bashing, honestly examine themselves, and exercise a confidence that God is still in control and doesn't need any help--especially the underhanded, paranoid, dishonest, anxiety-ridden variety.
When did people forget that God sees and knows all--even heart contents? When He says "pray" for those in authority he means PRAY, not roast, or scheme. Praying amiss is a dangerous thing to do. It has boomerang-like consequences. Using the Word of God like a voodoo doll is a candidate for the No-No file, too. It will get you a truckload of just what you don't want. God is not stupid, and has a way of reminding us all why He's God, and we're not.

People have gone numb; they're puzzled; just saying stupid, "woe-is-me" kinds of stuff, as if God is gone. A Black President in America? Horrors! Wait, an African-American president whose father was actually born in Africa and whose mother is White? Double horrors! Wasn't there a time when it was socially acceptable, and legal, for his father to have been hunted like a dog and hanged from the nearest tree just for looking at his mother? Wasn't there a time when she could have cried "rape" and been believed, or been shunned by her own family and friends, and branded a "nigger lover"? How could America let this happen? How could a place that used to enslave Black people, deem them animals, inhuman, ignorant, shiftless, unteachable, unproductive, dirty, disease-ridden let this happen--twice? How could the land of opportunity let this happen?

President Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage was the move that was supposed to seal his defeat. Suddenly, he was the amoral scum of the earth. But wait. He's not in a same sex marriage, is he? And how many people, who are criticizing him, are guilty of not being able to succeed in the opposite sex marriage in which they find themselves? How many have been married multiple times? How many have been in scores of relationships, have hurting, bitter, confused, needy or rebellious kids all over the place, but aren't married at all? How many have conveniently forgotten that ALL unrighteousness is sin, and if one were to take a peek into some closets, there would be skeletons with meat still hanging onto their bones? People can do whatever they want in a free society can't they? That's the nature of free-will isn't it?
It's the consequences of our actions and choices, however, that we fail to keep in mind, but can we, even on our most well meaning day, really tell others how to live and what to do? Can morality be legislated? Even God knows that everyone is not going to follow His Word; even He says choose. Even He doesn't impose His will upon humanity. He's not going to change with the times and people can either follow His commandments or go their own way, but have we so sullied God's reputation and misrepresented Him, that some people don't want any parts of Him, and will never come to know His saving grace and love? I know. More questions. Sigh.

Many say they love the Lord, but are currently deeply despondent over the election results. Have they forgotten that there is nothing new under the Sun? Do they think God is taking a nap? Their savior didn't win, but they're criticizing folk for admiring President Obama, and trying to take people on a spiritual guilt trip. The only people I have heard making comparisons to Obama and Jesus are the people who didn't vote for Obama.
How can anyone talk about the American Dream and fail to see that if ANYBODY embodies it, it's President Obama? Why are so many appalled by the manifestation of what the American Dream is supposedly all about? Was this dream not supposed to come true? Hatred and fear of people of other races has exploded to the surface again, but it's never been that deep so it didn't have far to go. Many don't even know how to hide it. Those ignorant heart contents will always find their way on the tip of the tongue and come shooting thoughtlessly out of tactless mouths. People thought God was going to avenge them and endorse their backward thinking and lack of compassion. Let's use God! Let's blame our rhetoric on Him! If we say that God is leading us, people will blindly go along with anything we say, right? People didn't fall for the tricks, and neither did God.
Barack Obama was re-elected and no amount of deception, money, or perceived power could stop it. If social networking is any indication, many have lost their joy. What they feel they've also lost is control. Their values and way of life are somehow in jeopardy. Why? If one was a good, God-fearing, law abiding citizen before the election, is that suddenly no longer an option? What is this "taking over" nonsense? It merely implies that many perceived themselves to be superior, and more American than others. WHEN will people remember that everyone in America except its indigenous people, are descendants of immigrants, while enslaved Africans, on the other hand, were brought against their will as cargo and destined to be free labor?

The trust of many was apparently never in God at all and the election results in 2008 and last Tuesday proved it. It was in their own misguided, overinflated view of themselves. It was in the ability of a few to make sure, through any means, that their own standard of living never change. While they were busy being superior, entitled and hijacking God, others were mobilizing.

So many pre-election prophecies have failed miserably. Deceptive words have drawn nothing but ridicule. Lies have been exposed. Liars are dumbfounded. Schemers are tripping over themselves because their plans fell flat. Even many who carry Bibles have made laughingstocks of themselves. Now they're mad at God and don't know how to deal with the futility of that, other than to pout like Jonah, backpedal, take their toys away, and declare that ALL is lost in their once pristine worlds. Some have responded by cooking up new schemes, the results of which they plan to blame on the President, and hope the next election will return their America to her former oppressive self, where Black men were always expected to fail and never lead.
I read of one employer who, in retaliation of the election results, fired people; took their jobs away; left them wondering how to take care of their families. What does that make that employer? "Immature", "petty", and "small" are adjectives that come to mind. Perhaps, the campaign contributions given, to make sure the Black president failed, would have enabled that employer to hold on to his employees. Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite one's face!

Some are deathly afraid of the possibility of becoming The Oppressed after enjoying a long run of being The Oppressor. One voter uttered that she was afraid "the Blacks would take over". Some Black Republicans are examining what their token status/opportunity really meant. In an attempt to assimilate, they've learned that, in some circles, no matter what educational, professional, or social heights one achieves, they're just window dressing. If Barack Obama gets constantly demonized with all of his credentials, what makes anyone think they're going to get a pass into the good ol' boys club, except to brown up the Kodak moments?
Some are so accustomed to believing they are self-made, and superior to others, that even the possibility of a poor person receiving health care angers them. Some are mad at God and ravenously seek out scripture to curse their foes, but get madder when the Word shines a spotlight on their own unrighteousness and filthiness, and reveals that theirs is equally as stinky and unacceptable to God.

The President's victory on Election Day has translated, for some, into a problem that even God can't handle, so they threaten to pack up and move to another part of God's world-- as if He isn't there, too, fully expecting them to love and forgive. According to some, America's vote has hellish implications. People wanted to "go back", "take back", "look back", "reach back", "wind back", and "hearken back". The problem with "back" is that it involved intense suffering for many who have no intentions of returning to the days when their very humanity meant little or nothing. When God has delivered, revived, blessed, redeemed, saved, elevated and freed, who wants to go back, except a fool? Who wouldn't choose the lesser of two evils if it means not returning to a life of unfairness, injustice, lack of opportunity, inferiority, division, and fear? But wait, is the Black community busy sending itself back each time the oppressors are envied and their ways adopted?

Maybe God knew just how some folk were going to behave toward their fellow man if things had gone the other way on Tuesday night. Maybe the re-election of Barack Obama has actually kept some people out of Hell, and they don't know that they should be dancing a jig, right now, in celebration of a God who knows the future. God is probably tired of being represented by merciless, crazed, fear/warmongers who use His word to beat up and scare away the very sheep He commanded them to feed. The worst thing to hear from someone you consider a friend; someone on whose behalf you have worked is "I never knew you." Folk have got to know--they've GOT to know whether the God of the Bible endorses their words and actions or not. Do people just not care to find out? Are they that caught up in themselves? Is their own kool-aid THAT good? Are their Bibles missing some pages? One can't be so consumed in ridding the world of what God hates, that one fails to see one own need for redemption and spends one's every waking moment trampling over those He so loves. Delusion is a terrible thing.

Maybe God has an amazing sense of humor. What He has done, and can still do is change hearts, change minds, and heal, and draw souls. Maybe some people need to let Him-- starting with themselves. Sad part is, people who don't think they need help are the last ones to ask for it. Heart transplants are, after all, emergency situations often required after years of abuse and misuse.
A hate-filled heart is worse than cancer.

A disappointed friend couldn't understand why his Christian friends voted for President Obama.  He wanted to know what he was missing. Perhaps the better question, that would help him figure out whether he's missing anything or not, is "Why didn't I vote for him?" Perhaps he's not missing anything at all. He simply exercised his right to choose a candidate the same way others did.
Many in America just can't imagine a Black man and his family in the White House doing anything other than cleaning it, repairing something, cooking, gardening, or singing, dancing, or playing an instrument. A Black President offends their sensibilities. It doesn't seem normal for President Obama to lead the nation. Are Black men are better appreciated when they're being hauled off to prison? Hustling on a street corner? Participating in drive-by shootings? Populating the world without the courtesy of their presence in their children's homes? Is President Obama messing up the narrative?

America has a bigoted, criminal, abominable, murderous past of making sure-- institutionally, religiously, and legislatively--that the election of a person of color would never happen. The Republican party didn't even like their own candidate. Look at the Republican debates... 

Many have spent so long considering people of color as inferior to them, that the thought of an African man holding the highest office in the land, is sending some into a tizzy, that makes them say rather sad things, and act as if all hope is lost. They're angry and appalled, and proving they have no faith or confidence in God at all. They're acting as if He is powerless. It shows where their trust was placed. 
It's not their fault that they were taught to hate and demean people of color. It IS their fault if they continue to do so.

Maybe Christians voted for Barack Obama simply because they are Christians. Could it be that Christians tend to be discerning, kind, forgiving, loving, merciful, patient, long suffering and hopeful? Could it be that Christians know it takes time to clean up a mess you didn't make--especially when you have been warned ( by people who demonize you, hate you, and make your failure their number one priority) that help and cooperation would be withheld? Could it be that Christians consider the Bible the infallible word of God and don't endorse adding to it, or embellishing it with other texts? Could it be that Christians are leery of cults, false prophets, polygamy, greed, and those who shun the poor, sick, and needy? Could it be that Christians don't like bigotry, hatred, fear, and oppression? Could it be that Christians know that God is never asleep, is still in control (no matter who resides in the White House), and that HE is the architect of promotion? Could it be that Christians know that God has the capacity to change hearts and minds, and even take pity on and help our enemies should we get too big for our britches and not mind what we say and do? Could it be that "going back" is not one of a Christian's favorite things to do? Could it be that Christians know there is none righteous, not one, and that JESUS is the hope of the Earth-- not America? Could it be that Christians know when people are using God for their selfish, underhanded, manipulative purposes and not for His glory? Could it be that Christians were inspired--even told--to vote? I mean, God HAS been known to instruct people to do some pretty interesting things that would SEEM immoral, thoughtless, zip-danged crazy, and irresponsible.
Just ask Abraham, Noah, Hosea and Jesus, and when you finish perusing their stories, pray.

This is a moment of pride, once again. It is a moment to also see ourselves; examine what we celebrate, consider our way of thinking, and reexamine the excuses we've made. We have to be willing to call spades, spades; address our own ills; stop calling what's bad "good", and stop calling what's good "bad"...It's time to own our own stuff; tell the truth about our own stuff, and be bold about it. It's time to pay attention to our children, our neighborhoods, our families. There is a new standard to witness. It's not that we haven't seen it before, but never from the Oval Office. 
President Obama isn't Super Black Man. What he is doing, the example he is setting could be set by other men as well, if it was in their hearts to do so. If nothing else, what's to despise and not to admire about a man who takes care of his family? Have we forgotten how to find the good? Would it kill people to embrace it? Do we prefer to celebrate, award and promote what tears us apart? We have to see the big picture.

The words of poet, rapper, Loaded Lux seem strangely fitting:

"...Though I never met your father,
I see a lot of his ways in your stride.
I mean, you got that "talk it like I walk it" kinda attitude.
You know, it's real good that he gave you pride.
Every son should be proud of his father,
And I look at my little one,
And I want the same for mine,
That's why when I look up at you
I see what he can go through
When a father don't take the time.
I see what he can go through
When a father don't take his time.

You know, I think it's real f'ed up
When people's gave him all that time,
But you wanna know what's even more f'ed up?
It's that all them years he got away from you
Has only been a way for you
To be more together with him
In a cage
In five.
Yeah. That's why I'm Angry Guy.
Cause he didn't take the steps,
Now you chase his rep,
But his runnin' shoes ain't your size!

They say don't whine over spilt milk,
But what a man 'posed to do when his baby's crying?
Oh, he say sh't like, "You know, It cost to be the boss"
But he too good for a paying job?
What's was wrong with being a cable guy;
A real estate agent?
Why was that nigga too cool
To go to flight school
And learn how to fly planes through the friendly skies?
But nah. He told YOU
He had to do what he had to do
To put food on ya'll plate.
To die.
You mean to tell me all that slanging and bangin'
Was to give ya'll greater lives,
When God gave him drive?
And that big meech-back-up-singin'-ass-nigga
Left your Moms out here alone for the latest ride?
That don't plague your mind?

That don't plague your mind?
Them mistakes ain't guides!
And you wonder why them shotgun-suge-shells
Still ache your spine?
Look what Ray-Ray got Little Jimmy out here in New York doin'!
Tell your OG, Bobby Johnson
You just tried to steal the wrong radio this time!

Something to think about
The next time you on stage waving signs
Trying to be like the only daddy you got
I understand you wanna keep his name alive
But, Youngin', I'm trying to save you from your demise
You said it yourself, "My pops was a Real Nigga"
Youngin' that ain't no lie
He was in the business that The System perpetuates on the side
To keep us in the condition where we ain't made to survive
But you think he a god!
Well let me ask you this:
Would you kill the world to save yourself?
Yeah. I ain't think that was wise
Something to think about the next time ya'll thuggin',
Drinkin' and druggin'
Hard liquor
Ya'll full of killaz--remember
I'm trying to give you the large picture!

Your pops wasn't no gangsta!
He was just another Lost Nigga!
You think it's gangsta
To let a mother love that dope more than her daughter;
Shoot a father 'front his son;
And turn around and put that boy on a corner?
Or leave your son out here alone
To fend for himself,
Knowing he need order?
Is your money being long
Worth your lifespan being shorter, huh?
But I'm just trying to give you the large picture!

Your pops wasn't no gangsta!
He was just another Lost Nigga!
Gangsta's, brothers like Marcus Garvey
For when he performed lectures
Raised a man's consciousness up from doing wrong
To putting us in uniforms
Making us soldiers in God's Army
(All the Garvey-ites)

Nat Turner:
When The Man had us on the back burner
Facts further stated
He led one of the greatest revolutions to free the slaves ever heard of
But then he got murdered

You know what. Harriet Tubman was more of a man
Than your father would ever be
I mean your daddy, your daddy--
That father title you deployed?
You know, a wise man told me that a wise man understands
In this life, you gon' either build, or destroy
And since it takes a father to raise a man-child, well
It's no wonder you talk all that young sh't
You a little boy
That don't get the large picture!
Your father wasn't no gangsta!
He was just another Lost Nigga!"

Our images matter. 
Our heroes matter. 
Our rhetoric and behavior can't testify that we, too, are lost.

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