Monday, September 24, 2012


There are those wonderful birds who genuinely respect and value what other birds do. Bless their generous, big hearts. They rightly, and gladly demonstrate their understanding and appreciation in tangible, adequate, negotiable, life-altering ways. Their presence and songs of encouragement are positively refreshing. The sooner one realizes that birds like them DO exist, the better. It will minimize the time it takes one to get a clue about self-serving birds who may occupy the same, or nearby trees. They expect what's coming to THEM in-full and on time. They will squawk, peck, and poop all over everything if it's not right, but for some odd reason, they think other birds should, and can exist on air alone.
There's a third, cunning, arrogant bird who only values and appreciates what IT does. When it comes to what it wants from other birds, it consistently expects something for little or nothing. It is evident in the opening lines of its manipulative song. It wants other birds to shine, but only if it adds feathers to its own nest. It tries to claim eggs that don't belong to it. It has the audacity to be noisy, preening, demanding, controlling, have unreasonable expectations, and act as if it is the reason for which all of the other birds even have a song to sing, let alone a branch from which to sing it.
How you respond to each bird--which ones flock to your yard, which ones you feed, tolerate, shoo, or allow to remain, is your call.
When you're already in the air and have been enjoying the sunshine as well as the rain, don't let some crazy bird come along and try to con you into thinking you need more exposure to the elements, you should be grateful for stale crumbs, and owe them any part of your existence. You know your REAL source full well.
Differentiate and discern the birds in your life, and proceed with wisdom. The degree and duration of harmony or dissonance you experience is entirely up to you...: )

1 comment:

  1. i have foudn a poddle withthe same markigns and am unable to obtain any information on the internt too about it whom says the internet is the place tolook was wrong . ofteni cannot find informationi seek here LOl
