Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's unfortunate when the hero you were rooting for turns out to be the villain, and the villain you were SURE you'd correctly identified, has been quietly taking mountains of abuse and criticism, instead of vindicating him or her self and exposing the worst side of your hero. Sometimes there's more to a story than meets the emotional or hopeful eye, so you reserve your ( possibly libelous or slanderous ) commentary until you study the facts or are privy to the whole truth. There's no sense in being upset AND getting sued. When things don't add up, WANTING them to, or allowing someone else to do the work for you and tell you the answer, isn't sufficient. You STILL don't really know, so it would NOT be a good idea to pass on the information. You have to go back and see where an error was made. The error can be obvious, slight, or deeply hidden, but you have to find it if you want to be credible. You should also consider if ANY of a thing is really your business. It's natural for people, who feel they, or someone they know has been wronged, to take to the streets. The streets these days are twitter pages and facebook walls. In public forums, support for one side or another is garnered, but may not rectify the situation about which complaints/rants are made. Sometimes public venting just makes things worse, and reveals more than either party in a matter wants the world to know. Whether it is personal, or concerning friends or strangers, telling God about it is always enough if you really believe that He sees all, and rights wrongs better than anyone. He is already up to speed about everything any way, and knows how every situation will end. He is positively brilliant at working out circumstances that cause us to fret, doubt, complain and take matters into our own hands. We often delight in gossip, rumors and scandal. HE consistently delights in righteousness, justice, and peace. All the more reason why our concerns should be taken directly to Him, on purpose AND when in doubt. PRAY. It works.

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