Thursday, December 22, 2011


Perhaps it WON'T get done unless you do it, but isn't it going undone or getting worse while you're waiting, pouting, nagging, questioning and complaining? Are YOUR two hands broken? Are you sick? Don't know how? Think you're too good? Feeling a sense of entitlement? Just plain lazy? If your answer to any of those questions is a reluctant, "No", then why not do it yourself? Don't exaggerate. If it never gets done unless you do it, it would be in a lot worse condition, wouldn't it? Maybe YOU don't particularly like the job you think others should do, or should assist you in getting done. Maybe you've started something you wish you could finish by passing it off to someone else. Maybe there's no glory in it unless others see the task being carried out.
If you're so pleased with the outcome of your effort, and it's the way you think it should be done, then why not continue and stop lamenting and broadcasting that no one else is doing it? Further, stop making yourself out to be a martyr because it got done. Perhaps you finally noticed it,(or are looking for a pat on the back). Forget about what other people ought to do, or what you think they should be doing. Examine your own motives. Are you looking for brownie points, or are you just passionate about doing things well? Are you seeking approval or are you just grateful to be able to lend a hand? If there is no impediment to you doing it yourself, stop yapping. Skip the fanfare and drama, and get to work.
What's important to you may not be on another person's radar or schedule. Don't assume you know what is in another person's heart, on another person's plate, what's in another person's wallet, or the scope of another person's ability.
If you see something that needs to be done, just do it.

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