Tuesday, August 30, 2011


When you get to the point where you hate to see some people coming and want to take off running in the opposite direction, it's safe to say there's been a last-straw-type situation. You want to be a good neighbor, a caring, compassionate individual--not a patsy.
It's funny how one necessary, fed up "No" can erase the hundreds of times you gave a reluctant, but hopeful, "Yes". Some people don't want help. They want you to finance their incidentals, do their work, assume their responsibility. They have no idea how thoroughly they have exhausted those who WOULD lend a hand. They really thought they'd found a sucker and hit the jackpot, and the sucker was you. They asked. You gave. Maybe you gave one time too many. It didn't teach them to be grateful and giving, themselves. It taught them to be inconsiderate, selfish, and manipulative.

Desperation often causes people to have no shame in how they obtain what they need. While lying so boldly and creatively, perhaps one forgets just how easily and quickly information can be verified these days.
Some people have an extreme sense of entitlement. Based on what they ASSUME you have, they think it should be freely shared with them--regularly. What they don't want is for you to ask any questions. They don't want anyone in their business, but they're forever looking for a hook up. Out of whatever abundance you have, they think there's a portion for them, and will develop a gigantic attitude if you can't or won't honor their request(s).
A person with a legitimate need MIGHT care what you think about them, if you talk about them, or call them names AFTER you give them what they want. A con artist could care less. They're laughing all the way to where they TRULY intend to spend your money, or use your resources--and they're already thinking up a good sob story for the next time.
Some people have concluded that your Christianity makes you a pushover. They've searched and dogeared the Bible, not for themselves and their own lives, but for specific scriptures that indicate how they think YOU should respond to their schemes. They know what chapter and verse to use when they realize you are not as unhip and clueless as they thought. Their favorite line is, "You're SUPPOSED to be a Christian!" Your response should be, "I am one. Instead of berating me for not falling for your newest sob story/scam/con applaud the wisdom and discernment that allowed me to see through it, and stop trying to get over on people. Stop looking for something for nothing--and don't teach that deceptive behavior to your child(ren)".

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