Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Whew! What a tremendous difference a few days, some Premium saltines, oatmeal, ginger ale and a can of chicken noodle soup make! There's nothing like recovering from a little sickness to make you really, really grateful and appreciative. You remember how you felt, and how you currently feel. Even if you're not 100%, you know it's so much better than it was. You want to stretch, test your limits, get moving (but not too quickly), get your balance, freshen up--and, if you can help it, resign not to do WHATEVER it was that landed you flat on your back ever again. EVER. You want to make all kinds of health vows. (I'm definitely making one involving leftover shrimp.)
It's a new day. Life's waiting. Get up. Shake off all hindrances--especially the self-imposed ones. Shine your light.

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