Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Leaving out even one key word, can render an entire statement false...or silly...or ignorant. 
Close friends might know what you mean, but will others? 
When you have an audience, be clear. Don't mislead or misinform--accidentally or otherwise.

Ever see poll results about yourself and nobody asked you for your input? 
I obviously keep missing the meetings where all Black people go to establish our common views on EVERYTHING. Blanket statements can be potentially damaging, but they often force exceptions out of the proverbial woodwork---if they were ever actually hidden anyway--and cause people to rethink their positions.

Nebuchadnezzar had so much to offer, and would fall into many people's category of great men. He sought the best and the brightest and was prepared to elevate them. He was also equally prepared to kill them. Elevation meant doing his bidding, adopting his ways, maintaining his standards. 

Maintain YOUR standards. Never want anything so badly that you close your own eyes. Know your capabilities and limitations. What some people perceive as a tremendous opportunity may be nothing more than a velvet box. Some opportunities ARE great-- until you remember you have a mind of your own, start asking questions, and challenging policies.
Look at the entire picture, not just the glittery part.

I'm always a little leery when people get downright irate--even insulting-- when you have to decline their offer. It makes you wonder if they've already promised or banked on your services. 

Never confirm another person's participation without consulting them--no matter how great the opportunity may be. Although some people may be angry because you didn't do what they wanted you to do, you have to live with yourself. While they're saying "You're crazy!", for saying "No thanks", God is saying, "Good move". 
Your pocketbook or wallet might be complimenting you as well. Participation costs, and some things are simply not worth it.

On an airplane, most people are paying very little attention to the flight attendants safety/security instructions. "Take a moment to locate the nearest exit. It may be behind you..." 
Getting into a thing may be effortless. 
Getting out, however, may require you to turn around and flee in the opposite direction--with just the shirt on your back.

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