Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Very few people go to work, and have NO idea how much, or IF they are going to be paid. 
Musicians and singers do it all the time.
There's a hope that people will operate in good faith. So often, the way they operate, is less than insulting. Some of the greatest insults come from fellow singers and musicians-- who should know better.

Contrary to popular belief, monthly creditors, like Potomac Electric Power Company, for example, do not consider sheet cake, chicken drummettes, meatballs, corsages, flowers, centerpieces, scarves, ties, souvenir booklets, certificates, or red church juice as negotiable, legal tender. 
They will not allow customers to exchange ANY of the aforementioned items for the necessary services they provide in these hot and muggy days. 
Musicians and singers, who labor at the request of others, to enhance anniversaries, conferences, weddings, christenings, openings, closings, etc., DESERVE to be fairly compensated. 
What they do is, in fact, WORK.

What IS it that causes people think, that others should pay to participate, (transportation, wardrobe, grooming, parking) get nothing out of it, and yet be grateful for being in the red? 

Consider YOUR expectation on payday, and ask yourself how YOU would feel if your boss gave you a handshake and a "Thank You" instead of your check--or ducked and avoided you at the end of the day.
People always have choices to do, or not to do. When participation costs more than one is capable of paying, the choice becomes an easy one.

You hope that people would stop expecting something for nothing, but good luck with that. Those who sing the praises of volunteerism, as they drive to the bank to deposit the money THEY earned, are something else. 
The religious guilt trips about "service" and "ministry" organized to camouflage cheapness, ignorance, deceit, and selfishness, are hilarious.

People should really stop playing dumb, or being offended when they're told, "The freebies are over". They should stop insulting professionals, and diminishing the value of the work they do. 
If you're the user, stop taking advantage of the time and kindness of others.
Want people to WORK? Pay them. 
Good grief.

Unfortunately, part of the blame are the singers and musicians who continually rely on the integrity of others--integrity, of which, others prove to be void. Some singers and musicians have learned the lesson. They speak up for themselves. They get mountains of flack about it, but they are no longer standing among the angry, dumbfounded, disappointed, and flat broke after a musical event is over. 
As long as there are hungry, gullible others, the pattern of flat-out cheating people will go on.

Know your honest worth-- and don't be afraid to declare it. 
Those who respect what you do, will recognize it, and respond properly.

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