Sunday, May 1, 2011


When you see the sky
And it looks bluer than the blue you saw before
You’ll know

When you hear the birds sing
And their song seems to be in perfect harmony
You’ll know

When you feel the rain as it falls
And you don’t run for cover
But you look up and embrace it
And don’t care how much you’re soaked
You’ll know

When you open your eyes
And realize you’re not just looking, but you’re seeing
You’ll know

When you sense your ears are not just listening
But they’re hearing every cheerful sound
You’ll know

When you attempt to stand, 
And it seems as if
The child in you has come alive
You’ll know

When the thing
That used to inspire fear
And make you cry
Brings you laughter
And seems more like a silly joke
You’ll know

It's over.

The pain is over
Your heart is well
Your mind is clear
You can go forward
You can stand, and see, and hear
And not look back
Except to wave at Goodness and Mercy
Diligently bringing up the rear

When that day happens
That "joy in the morning" day
When every sound is musical
And real Love shows you what it’s made of
You’ll know


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