Saturday, May 28, 2011


When one needs to get a personal message to someone else, and seeks out a messenger, it would make sense to select someone with whom the recipient is familiar. If nothing else, the messenger has contact information. The messenger, however, is not responsible for the recipient's failure to respond, in a timely manner. While one could conclude, after getting no reply, that the message was never delivered, it is pointless to interrogate the messenger--especially if several attempts to deliver the message have been made. In these days of email, cell phones, text messaging, and a myriad of social networks--and the ancient home phone, NO one can honestly say "I couldn't reach you", or "I didn't get the message" unless they live under a rock, in a cave, in some severely underdeveloped, uncharted part of the universe.
If one REALLY wants to know why there has been no reply, the best person to ask is the recipient...Oh...wait...that's right. If they didn't respond to the initial message, fat chance they will explain WHY they didn't respond and run the risk of finding out why the message was sent, what it contains, and what they are being asked to do.
If messenger A relays a message on behalf of sender B to recipient C, and C doesn't respond, B may conclude that:
1. A either forgot, or deliberately failed to give C the message.
2. A's relationship with C is not strong enough to merit an immediate reply.
3. C knows what B wants, and doesn't want to be bothered with B's request...or B for that matter.
4. A now knows that B is an opportunist.
5. B needs to deliver the message personally.

When you know that your relationship with someone is raggedy, or non-existent, and you enlist someone to relay a message to them, don't be all shock and awe when you don't get a response. What you shouldn't do is hound the messenger. It may make them wonder why, (if you're such good, close friends with the person with which you are attempting to connect), you needed someone else to relay a message for you in the first place.
Sometimes, people seek out those who not only have contact information, but influence and power of persuasion. They assume, "If YOU ask them, they'll do it". Never expect people to manipulate their friends, or test the strength of their business relationships on your behalf. If there are proper channels through which you can go, use them. It may go a long way in getting you the response you desire.

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