Monday, April 25, 2011


The pictures kind of speak for themselves. So, when some unsuspecting driver encounters it, who's at fault? THEM, for not seeing and avoiding it, the workers (of whatever entity) who walked away from whatever job they were doing and ignored it, or the city for allowing the problem to persist? It's such a neat, square hole, too. Filled with water, it's a DECEPTIVE square hole that will go unnoticed and blow out a tire(s), down a bike rider, sprain the ankle of someone crossing the street at night, or become the spawning ground of mosquitoes. 

Who's responsible for the existence of the crater? Who knows. It just needs to be repaired ASAP. And what's with the long crack emanating from it? What's THAT about? Teeny, tiny earthquake, perhaps? Naaaah...Surely not in the Nation's Capital...Or...Could it be?...Naaah.

A guy walking up the hill shouted, "That's right Sis! Take a picture of it!" Maybe he'd seen it before. Maybe he was a victim of it, and that's why he was walking. I certainly don't remember seeing it before I left for Germany. I think I would remember the crater. Maybe DC can take a lesson from the Germans and adopt the fine manner in which they maintain their roads--but then, at the break-neck speeds in which everyone seemed to travel there, well kept roads are not negotiable.

Now, to use the trusty, handy-dandy internet and research whose governmental eyes should see the pictures, help facilitate a smooth ride, and prevent an unnecessary expense for locals and Maryland commuters who use the street as a shortcut during rush hour. Surely, the money required for a new tire can be better spent on a gallon of gasoline.

Bingo! Twitter to the rescue @DDOTDC . 
Got a pothole on your street, in your neighborhood, or have you spotted one in your travels? Tweet them...: )

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