Friday, February 25, 2011


Too many people have such a twisted view of success that they are neglecting to celebrate everyday victories. Many are relying on the word of someone they hold in high esteem to drastically change their lives instead of looking to God's mercy and grace and his "no favorites" policy. Many are frustrated, because so-and-so hasn't noticed them, or isn't returning their calls; bitter because so-and-so COULD help, but won't; inactive because they're waiting for a big break, and feeling too good for what's right under their noses.
Others are dejected because someone said "no"; magnifying mediocrity because they gave up trying and believed a lie--"It will never happen"--so they're sticking with something or someone who is only using them--someone or something to which they feel they must remain attached, or surely achieve failure if they leave.
The next time someone threatens you with "never" because you had the wisdom to walk away and trust God, burst out laughing, and do the most ridiculous dance you can--in advance of what God CAN, and WILL do on your behalf. It's so important to glorify him, and regard him as your source. The Earth is the Lord's AND the fullness thereof. That includes EVERYTHING anyone deliberately tries to deny you, or block you from achieving. When you know God, you'll never fear people who brag, boast, and labor under the misapprehension that they own or control ANYTHING. You may NOT succeed if so-and-so has anything to do with it, but who said that what so-and-so has is best for you anyway? Take a peek into so-and-so's life and you might rethink wanting their approval. You might end up praying for THEM instead of coveting what they have and lamenting your own situation. Trust God, and you'll never throw up your hands because one person decided not to recommend, compliment, support, endorse or help you. A person's sphere of influence may seem vast, but God SITS on the circle of the earth. This is HIS world. He is in control. He has the last say. Visit a cemetery if you have any doubts, and see if anyone other than the cemetery owners and their employees are conducting any business.

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