Saturday, January 15, 2011


If your walls are sky blue, turning out the light or closing the blinds doesn't CHANGE the color, just your perception of it. What you SEE should never erase what you KNOW, to the extent that you begin to deceive yourself. Nothing should be so important that you feel you have no alternative than to misidentify wrong as right, bad as good, unacceptable as proper, shameful as sacred, mediocre as excellent, or unrighteous as holy.
True colors don't change, they remain true-- in spite of the seemingly new, maybe even improved appearance that the absence of light provides. For every deception, there is something authentic that can be found.
Navy blue or midnight blue walls can be had-- without resorting to turning off the lights. You can commit to true colors if you really want to. Just make it happen. Often, however, the dilemma is the opinions or approval of others.
Is it so difficult to consistently be your true self, or is some relationship, business venture, trend, or school of thought, making it necessary keep shade close by? What are you compromising about, or complicit in that prevents you from speaking and acknowledging the truth? What are you fawning over, endorsing, applauding, supporting, or encouraging that, in the light of day, amounts to foul-smelling garbage not worthy of a nod-- let alone an honor?
Truth can't be a liability in any realm where light and truth are supposed to be interchangeable.

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