Sunday, August 1, 2010


I woke up this morning and listened to Pastors John and Matthew Hagee, Pastor Craig Oliver and Dr. Mike Murdock. I remember, in school, we would have to read passages, and then write what we gleaned from them. I thought I would just be listening, but was compelled to write as they spoke. I love the way God interjects even when you're not particularly listening to Him. He has a way of arresting the conversation to make sure that you hear exactly what he wants you to hear. I love the way he orders my day.

Don't admire the man who is driving a Mercedes on credit. Admire the guy who's driving a Volkswagon and is debt free...Debt is a disease."
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7

"The kingdom of God is ruled by his Word. If there is a kingdom, there is a king, and that king is not you."

Greater is He that is IN you..."It is God's agenda that we follow, not our own." Being about "kingdom" work and ignoring His righteousness identifies you as the kid that's doing your own thing. Adopting part of God's plan and dismissing the rest is foolish. "You can think you're busy building, expanding, working for the kingdom and still lose. Don't lose your cutting edge. Don't have a form of godliness and deny the power. Performing but not producing....exerting energy and effort, but going nowhere, zeal at zero. Flesh can't compete with passion and power. Don't be busy at your task but neglect the tools you're using. Don't be so busy chopping away at the tree but not noticing that the axe head has been separated from the shaft. We can't be faulty in our communion with God. Do we pray? Do we worship privately? Anybody can shout, and cry, and dance when we have an audience to applaud us. Have we forsaken the commandments? Have we fluctuated in our commitment to God? Are we effective any more? Our tools in ministry are borrowed possessions of an owner and the owner is God. God assigns tools to us so that we can be effective and in ministry and in the whole of our lives. We have to be accountable to God. What are we doing with the tools that God gave us?" When I can no longer see my tools because of apathy, laziness, carelessness, stress, or trouble, I need help to find them. There is a danger in complacency. If I am not going to serve--utilize the gifts that God has given, I am merely taking up space. I have to be aware that there is a problem when I am so busy working a task that I don't even realize I am functioning out of the flesh. I cannot be so confident in my natural ability, and so clever in the art of manipulation that I am not aware the the spirit of God is gone. "Even as one is engaged in a needed and noble work, building, expanding and increasing the kingdom, one can lose one's cutting edge. Find someone with divine insight, an authorized source--someone with a spirit of discernment, someone truthful--who will help you. Be encouraged. You never lose your cutting edge unless you've been working. Recognize when and where you lost it. One of the hardest journeys is back to the place where you lost. Did you lose it in an inappropriate relationship? Did you lose it when you took advice from the wrong person? Who were you with? What were you doing? Take heart. The tree you were cutting is still standing. Find it."

"Nobody else can ever take your place, turn my life around through your saving grace...nobody else Holy Spirit does what you do"

There is beauty, safety, protection, productivity in order. Learning is my calling..."

"I won't know what will happen to you until I find out who you trust."

Whatever you are you create. You can only be promoted by someone who gives you instructions. The person you serve controls your future.

"I don't believe him. I'm going to find out what the word of God really says about that".-Mrs.Willie Murdock

You can exhibit polite behavior, obedient service, and speak words of compliance, but have no love, honor, or respect in your heart.

When you hear a lie, anger should rise up in you.

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